The West Cascade Peace Corps Association funds humanitarian programs from throughout the world that support the goals and ideals of the Peace Corps. We are especially interested in supporting the work of Peace Corps volunteers from Oregon. We encourage Oregon volunteers to include their programs in the Peace Corps Partnership framework and then call this to our attention. Our funding comes from membership dues, fundraising activities, donations, and distributions from the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund. Below, you will find a listing of the programs that we have funded, as well as photos and fuller descriptions of selected ones.
Year | Amount | Program/Project | Country |
2017 | $500 | Primary School Renovation | Zambia |
2017 | $1,000 | Capacity Building for Girls through Increased Use of Technology | Macedonia |
2017 | $500 | Soccer Skillz Girls Counterpart Training | Liberia |
2016 | $1,000 | Sports Court/Let Girls Learn | Cambodia |
2016 | $500 | Laboratory | Malawi |
2016 | $615 | Bathroom and Hygiene | Cambodia |
2016 | $500 | Turning the Page | Madagascar |
2015 | $500 | Community Library at the Primary School | Botswana |
2015 | $400 | Maternity Ward | Zambia |
2015 | $204 | Sewing Project | Tanzania |
2014 | $100 | Local Ultrasound Machine | Nicaragua |
2014 | $200 | Madagascar Ecotourism Project | Madagascar |
2014 | $500 | Mbazwana Primary School (MPS) Sanitation Project | South Africa |
2014 | $500 | Bio-intensive Family Gardens | Paraguay |
2014 | $500 | Summer School Programs | Mexico |
2014 | $635 | Classroom "Curiosidades" | Mozambique |
2013 | $1,200 | Books for Africa | Kenya |
2013 | $465 | Camp Unity West | Ukraine |
2012 | $300 | Casa Materna Sustainability Project | Nicaragua |
2012 | $500 | Bridging the Gap: A Computer Classroom in Rural Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
2012 | $835 | Guitar Workshop | Rwanda |
2012 | $1,000 | Vanuatu Rural Water System Development | Vanuatu |
2011 | $300 | Gender Empowerment Weekends | Ukraine |
2011 | $500 | School of Leadership - Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
2011 | $500 | Powerful Peruvians 2012 Calendar | Peru |
2011 | $500 | Camp ALMA | Peru |
2011 | $1,000 | Sustainable Cookstoves | Peru |
2011 | $960 | Expanding Educational Resources | Kyrgyz Republic |
2010 | $700 | Antsikory Well Project | Madagascar |
2010 | $300 | English Resource Center | Ukraine |
2010 | $230 | Primary School Library Hall | Samoa |
2010 | $770 | Camp GLOW | Armenia |
2010 | $100 | Espwa Fe Viv | Haiti |
2009 | $250 | Students Helping Street Kids International | Brazil |
2009 | $750 | Bore Hole Project | Ghana |
2009 | $500 | Medical Staff Housing for Village Dispensary | Tanzania |
2009 | $500 | Community Library Project | Guatemala |
2008 | $300 | Music Room and Library | Bor-Ondor, Mongolia |
2008 | $707 | School Garden Fence | Gambia |
2007 | $1,000 | Construction and rehabilitation of water wells | Tourou, Cameroon |
2006 | $2,000 | Contribution to the construction of Cagliero Girls' High School | Iringa, Tanzania |
2006 | $300 | Purchase of 30 calculators for Terjujai Jr. High | Anelcauhat, Aneityum, Vanuatu |
2005 | $300 | Rural Adolescents' Health Promoter Workshop | Ocotal, Nicaragua |
2005 | $2,000 | Calvert Foundation: Investing in Communities (3 year investment) | Worldwide |
2004 | $300 | School supplies | Wardok, Afghanistan |
2004 | $275 | Swaziland donation | Swaziland |
2001 | $1,000 | Book Donation for Elementary School | Kosrae Island, Micronesia |
1999 | $120 | Miscellaneous | |
1998 | $600 | First Family Center, Eugene | Eugene, Oregon |
1997 | $500 | Family First Community Service | Eugene, Oregon |
1997 | $1,000 | PC Partnerships | |
1997 | $500 | Eugene Community Soup Kitchen | Eugene, Oregon |
1996 | $200 | Miscellaneous | |
1995 | $100 | Gresham Sister City Project, contributed funds to buy books for sister city in Nigeria | Nigeria |
1995 | $1,000 | Guaymi Indian Community Center | Costa Rica |
1994 | $250 | Kai Dambach Medical Fund | Washington DC |
1994 | $2,093 | Peace Corps Partnership programs | |
1994 | $500 | Concepcion de Maria | |
1994 | $300 | Witness for Peace | |
1993 | $2,383 | Miscellaneous | |
1992 | $2,250 | Furniture and books for a college library | Mindif, Cameroon |
1992 | $1,000 | Equipping a home economics classroom | Gracias, Lempira, Honduras |
1992 | $250 | Preliminary ethnobotanical survey | Northwest Province, Cameroon |
1992 | $1,064 | Miscellaneous | |
1991 | $433 | Latrine at a teacher training college | Bamunka, Cameroon |
1991 | $1,200 | Miscellaneous | |
1990 | $600 | Elementry school construction | Tchuourou, Borgou, Benin |
1990 | $1,000 | Wheelchair Construction Project | Nylander Home, Mt. Lavnia, Sri Lanka |
1989 | $1,000 | Miscellaneous | |
1988 | $1,075 | Quito Preschool Kindergarten - building construction | Ecuador |
1987 | $900 | Chone Orphanage - water pump | Ecuador |
1986 | $600 | Cleft Palate Project | Philippines |
Total to date: $49,414