believe strongly that women have been neglected and denied the right
to education. And yet their role in society is vital and
irreplaceable. We dream of a nice school for them, such that it
will attract many young ladies and push they to study hard as a
preparation for their future roles in society.
We are mobilizing funds locally. Our people have willingly embraced
the idea. They are contributing generously. But as you can imagine
they have very limited economic possibilities and the project is
rather ambitious, to say the truth. Thus your contribution is of
Photos of the building materials on the site of the proposed Cagliero Girls High School. Iringa, Tanzania |
If you have any donation towards this project here below is the bank
address where the money could be sent to the name of:
Cagliero Girls High School
National Bank of Commerce
Iringa Branch
PO Box 981
Iringa, Tanzania
A/C No. 028103004352
Swift Code NLCBTZTX |