A monthly newsletter of The West Cascade Peace Corps Association in Oregon's Southern Willamette Valley ![]() April 2014 | |||
WCPCA Hosts Northwest RPCV Groups, April 12 in Eugene | ||
RPCV Presenters Sought for U of O ClassProfessor Marc Schlossberg of the U of O's Department of Planning, Public Policy, and Management is looking for two recently returned PCVs who worked in planning or with an environmental NGO to explain their service to one of his classes. He describes his plan to Laurette Garner, PC Representative at the U of O, below. "I'm teaching an Introduction to City Planning class this Spring with about 130 undergraduates and I'd like to dedicate one day to Peace Corps opportunities and experiences. My goal with the class is to have students see themselves as agents of change, and introducing Peace Corps could be very useful in their thinking about their future selves...The session would be on June 3rd and class is 10-11:20." If you are interested please contact Laurette at pcorps@uoregon.edu. 2014 Membership Directory Distributed to WCPCA MembersOn Monday, March 17th, the 2014 WCPCA Membership Directory was emailed to members of the organization. It lists most of our 130 members along with the years and dates of their Peace Corps service and their contact information. (A few members prefer not to be listed.) The final pages list members by their country of service and are a convenient reference for service information. The document is an excellent networking tool for the Lane County Peace Corps community. The directory was emailed as a .pdf document in a separate mailing to members only. As long as you have the free Adobe software on your computer, you'll be able to download and open the document. If you haven't already, please do this and save the document for future reference. If you forgot to save it, let us know and we'll send you another copy. There was a small emailing glitch at first and so about 40 people received an email with the cover letter but no document. The error was corrected within ten minutes and the document sent out. If you are a member, however, and didn't receive the directory, please let us know and we'll send you a copy. If you receive the newsletter but didn't receive the directory, it's most likely because you haven't joined the organization. We encourage you to become a member so that in the future you'll be listed in the directory. Anyone who joins WCPCA in 2014 will receive a copy of the directory. We invite new members! You may join using the membership page of the website. The WCPCA membership list is not given or sold to outside parties. If any members find an error in their entry in the directory, please let us know. We'll make the necessary corrections. Thanks for your help. WCPCA board WCPCA Business UpdateThe board extends its heartfelt thanks to Sherrill Kirchhoff for her generous donation to the principal of the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund at the Oregon Community Foundation in memory of her friend, the late Beryl Brinkman. WCPCA has welcomed 15 new members in the last year and we've been fortunate that several have taken part in our activities. Two new members, Denise Silfee and Bart Briefstein, volunteered for board service and have just been appointed to the board. Most new members are listed in the 2014 Membership Directory. The May newsletter will include the names of all of the new members who give us permission to publish their names. The board is looking for one or two WCPCA members to represent it at the Peace Corps Connect gathering in Nashville, June 19-20. Delegates may deduct travel expenses on their income tax returns for 2014. Details about the meeting are in an article below. You are also encouraged to visit the NPCA website for complete information. |
Mozambique Peace Corps Partnership ProjectAt its February meeting the WCPCA board voted to contribute $635 to Classroom Curiosidades, a Peace Corps Partnership project in Mozambique. The grant completed the funding that the project required to build a classroom to house an after-school program and initiate its educational activities. The project is listed on the Project page of the website. Funds came from distributions of the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund.
![]() The project is being organized by PCV Victor Palma Campos who is from Eugene and a recent graduate of Sheldon High School and the U of O.
![]() A substantial amount of the labor required by the project was donated by members of Victor's community. Victor has expressed his appreciation and that of his community for the funding. We look forward to learning about the project directly from Victor when he returns to Eugene. WCPCA board Profile of science teacher, Julia HarveyFrom time to time articles describing how Peace Corps service shaped the education or careers of WCPCA members are included in the newsletter. Read below about the science teaching career of WCPCA president, Julia Harvey. In the March 13th issue of the Eugene Weekly Julia was featured in an article describing her background as a PCV high school science teacher in Tonga (1990-1993) and her current work at South Eugene High School where she teaches biology and environmental science. After completing her Peace Corps service, Julia entered a Peace Corps fellowship program at Wichita State University where she earned a master's in education. To read the complete article click here. | ||
In a recent conversation Julia emphasized that her Peace Corps experience as a science educator
was a pivotal moment in her life. "My service shaped my career as a science educator. I recently
reconnected with some of my first students who are now in their 40s. One is now also a science
educator (in Switzerland). This is what he wrote 'I know a good teacher when I see one and I saw
one when I was in form 6 at Vava'u High School in Tonga about twenty years ago; she was my Biology
teacher from America and now I am a Biology teacher as well. Thanks for the inspiration Julia.'"
We also thank you, Julia, for sharing the inspiration with us.
Dorothy Soper Study of long term health outcomes of taking anti-malaria medicationTo: RPCVs The National Peace Corps Association has partnered with researchers at Baylor College of Medicine to study an important question: Can a common anti-malaria medication reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in the future? Female RPCVs who served between 1961 and 1990 represent an ideal group of people in whom to study this possible link, because about half of RPCVs took anti-malaria medication as part of their service and about half of them did not. Additionally, over 20 years has passed since their service and related anti-malaria medication use, so we can look at health over a long period of time. Preliminary studies suggest that people who took a commonly used medication in the past to prevent or cure malaria may be at lower risk of developing some diseases today, such as cancer or heart disease. Baylor College of Medicine is developing studies to examine this link, beginning with a survey of RPCVs. This online and telephone survey will measure the association between the anti-malarial drug, chloroquine, and diseases, such as breast cancer. In addition to anti-malaria medication use, there are questions in the survey about lifestyle risk factors for diseases and your medical history. RPCVs are a perfect population in whom to study this possible link, because about half of RPCVs took chloroquine as part of their service, and about half of them did not. We need BOTH people who took chloroquine and people who did not take chloroquine to participate in the survey. We also need help reaching as many RPCVs as possible. For that reason, at the end of the survey we will ask you to please forward the survey to other RPCVs. Today's survey is for women only, BUT we believe that chloroquine is also active against other cancers that affect men and women. Join our mailing list to be informed of future studies that will be open to men and women. Thank you for your service.
Clifford C. Dacso, MD, MPH |
Survey for the Anti-malaria Medication StudyI encourage women in the Lane County Peace Corps community who served in the Peace Corps between 1961 and 1990 to volunteer to take the survey which has been distributed only recently. I've taken it and will be happy to talk about it to interested parties and forward a copy of the survey to you as described in the introductory letter. Researchers conducting the survey are seeking 18,000 respondents. We can help and we may all benefit from learning the outcomes. The study is organized by Baylor College of Medicine. You may read more about it at the program's website. Note that the study is using a social networks-based methodology to recruit participants. Thus the study is not open to general enrollment. You must be referred by other study members to participate. For more information you're welcome to email me directly or send an email to info@westcascadepca.org and write "Survey" in the subject line. Your email will be forwarded to me. I'm looking forward to hearing from many of you. Dorothy Soper, Ghana, 1963-1965 Peace Corps Connect -- 2014 is coming to Nashville!The National Peace Corps Association encourages its members to come to the third annual Peace Corps Connect gathering, June 19-21, 2014, to be held this year in Music City. The gathering is cosponsored by NPCA and the Tennessee Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. Below are a few details about the site and highlights of the program. For more details and registration forms, visit the NPCA website. The WCPCA board is looking for one or two WCPCA members to represent the board at the Peace Corps Connect gathering in Nashville. The primary obligation would be to attend the Group Leaders' Forum on Friday. Delegates may deduct travel expenses on their income tax returns for 2014.
Dates and venues:
Friday June 20, 2014: Vanderbilt University 2201 West End Avenue Nashville, TN 37235
Friday, June 20, 2014 Friday will focus on small group sessions. A sampling of the Friday events are the Group Leaders Forum, Graduate Research Conference, Politics and the Peace Corps, Women in the Peace Corps, Peace Corps Prep, Board Emeritus, Advocacy, Storytelling as well as technology tutorials and space to meet up with member groups, old friends or NPCA staff and Board.
Saturday, June 21, 2014 Saturday will be an exciting program with TEDx-style talks from community members, award presentations, guest speakers, videos and entertainment. This program will take place in the brand new theater at the historic Country Music Hall of Fame in downtown Nashville. We will also be offering an opportunity for members of the community to nominate speakers for the TEDx-style talks. Saturday evening will also feature the "Annual TNRPCV Shindig". This event showcases live music from several bands and benefits international grassroots projects being conducted by Tennessee Peace Corps Volunteers. This event is being hosted by the Tennessee Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. |