A monthly newsletter of The West Cascade Peace Corps Association in Oregon's Southern Willamette Valley ![]() March 2014 | |||
Regional Meeting of Northwest RPCV GroupsIt's starting to feel like spring! This means that we are getting closer to the Regional Meeting here in Eugene of representatives of the five northwest RPCV groups. West Cascade will host the meeting on Saturday morning, April 12th, at the Hilyard Community Center, 2580 Hilyard Street, Eugene. Our agenda will focus on small group discussions of topics of mutual interest to the organizations. Howard Schuman will be the facilitator. We'll need WCPCA members to help stage the meeting. Everyone is invited to attend. We have decided to have a catered lunch organized by our Elke Richers. We ask those who want to stay for lunch to RSVP so that we can plan ahead. Following our Peace Corps traditions, we'll offer lodging to those from out of town who want to stay over night. Please let me know if you have ideas for our discussion topics, can help us organize the meeting, would like to join us for lunch, or can host one or more of our guests by emailing info@westcascadepca.org and writing Regional Meeting in the subject line. Thanks,
Julia Harvey, President
Peace Corps Week at the U of OTo celebrate Peace Corps Week, February 23 to March 1, on the University of Oregon campus, Pravin (Portland Recruiter) and I (Laurette, U of O campus Peace Corps Representative) facilitated a panel discussion with three Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.
I asked each panelist the same questions and each gave amazing, inspiring and individual responses. We went through at least seven question and answer rounds and after the event we opened the floor up for more questions. After each round, students were able to ask questions and many of them did. I was impressed with the questions and the thoughtfulness behind each one and equally impressed by the impromptu responses given by our panelists. Some examples of the harder questions asked by members of the audience were (paraphrasing of course): How does a volunteer justify going abroad to serve under-served communities when there is so much poverty and there are so many problems here in the United States? And: Is it better to go to graduate school before or after Peace Corps service? And then: How do you address issues like dirty needles in hospitals, as a volunteer, and not get angry when you can't fix obvious problems within individual countries? We had approximately 38 students attend this event, which was a wonderful turn out!!
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And in closing, I would like to say how inspiring and touching it is to see so many RPCVs together
in one room, who still carry their stories and passion with them as if they served as a volunteer
just yesterday. The way Peace Corps continues to touch our lives in everyday experiences and actions
consistently leaves me speechless and proud. I am so thankful to be a RPCV!
Laurette Garner, U of O Peace Corps Representative
April PotluckThe next WCPCA potluck will be held on Friday evening, April 4th, 6-9 pm, at the home of Juliet Bender and Charles Goldsmith. Laurette Garner, the UO Peace Corps Representative, will speak about her PC experiences in Madagascar (2004-2006) and about upcoming PC campus activities. Please bring a dish to share for an evening of friendship and fun. Juliet and Charles" address is in the Membership Directory and will be included with the potluck listing on the calendar section of the website.
Juliet Bender, Program Cochair
Volunteers Needed for North Eugene High School's Pan-Africa Conference and Celebration, March 11thNorth Eugene High School is organizing a Pan-Africa Conference and Celebration as the culminating event of a trimester long integrated Social Studies and Language Arts unit about the African continent. The half-day event will bring together all of NEHS's ninth grade students to share their individual research projects with students from multiple cohorts. The event will feature guest speakers and a collaborative problem-solving project requiring students to consider current events in African countries alongside the UN Millennium Development Goals. We are seeking community members with prior expertise or experience in African countries to serve as judges for these student projects. The event will be held on Tuesday, March 11th from 8 am to noon and will be a great chance to interact with and support North Eugene's 9th grade class! If anyone is available and interested in being a part of this event, please contact me. Thank you!
Denise Silfee |
Volunteers Needed for Chefs' Night OutFood for Lane County will present its annual fundraiser, Chefs' Night Out, on Tuesday evening, April 8th. A WCPCA team will enjoy the offerings of Chefs' Night Out and then stay on to join the clean up crew for this popular fundraiser which offers tastings from Lane County's highly vaunted restaurants, wineries, and brew pubs. The event will take place at the Hult Center in Eugene. James Cloutier is organizing WCPCA's clean up team which will begin the evening at about 8:30 pm and conclude at 10:30 pm or so. To volunteer, please contact James directly or send an email to info@westcascadepca.org with Chefs' Night Out in the subject line. WCPCA board Peace Corps Partnership Project in Mozambique FundedAt its February meeting the WCPCA board voted to contribute $635 to Classroom Curiosidades, a Peace Corps Partnership project in Mozambique. The grant completed the funding that the project required to build a classroom to house an after-school program and initiate its educational activities. The project is being organized by PCV Victor Palma Campos who is from Eugene and a recent graduate of Sheldon High School and the U of O. Victor has already expressed his appreciation and that of his community for the funding. Next month we'll share photos of Victor and those working with him on this project. We look forward to welcoming Victor home from Mozambique next year and hope that he'll join us to talk about his Peace Corps service and this project in particular. A full description of Classroom Curiosidades is on the Projectpage of the website. WCPCA board Update on WCPCA BusinessThe newly elected 2014 board of directors held its first meeting on February 23rd. We had wide ranging discussions touching upon the renewal of the organization's affiliation with the National Peace Corps Association, the regional meeting of the northwest RPCV groups, continuing to refine the membership database, and organizing WCPCA's volunteer work with Food for Lane County on the evening of Chefs' Night Out. As noted above the board funded a PC Partnership project organized by a PCV from Eugene. 2014 budget: The board adopted a budget for 2014 which will be posted on the Business page of the website along with the minutes of board meetings. Our financial position is healthy with approximately $6,356 in our accounts at OCCU and $30,000 in the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund, our endowed fund that's managed by the Oregon Community Foundation. We receive distributions of approximately $1,200 per year from the fund. Distributions may be used only to fund humanitarian projects.
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The board voted to place the approximately $600 in profit from 2013 tee shirt and calendar sales
in the restricted fund to award to humanitarian projects. In 2014 such profits will also be dedicated
to funding humanitarian projects.
The organization's primary source of revenue is membership dues which we project to be approximately $1,400 in 2014 and which will cover most of our operating expenses. The board anticipates awarding $2,000 in grants to humanitarian projects in 2014. These funds will come primarily from distributions of the endowed account and fundraising profits. Calendar sales: Our thanks go to Gary Cornelius who has assumed the responsibility of organizing our calendar sales this year. We expect to start selling 2015 international calendars at our booth in the Eugene Celebration in August. Profits from these sales will be dedicated to funding humanitarian projects. In 2013 we ordered 100 calendars and sold out by mid-December. The board decided to order 125 calendars to sell in 2014, anticipating a slightly larger sales volume. The board is still looking for a treasurer for 2014: This is an important job that has been effectively streamlined by recent treasurers. Our accounts are maintained on spreadsheets and banking is done online. Deposits to the WCPCA accounts at OCCU are usually made by people other than the treasurer. For someone familiar with a computer and spreadsheets, this job can be performed at home in approximately two hours per month. A candidate will need access to a computer, either a PC or a Mac will work, and mid-level computer skills. If you are interested in learning more about this position, please contact Wayne Thompson at info@westcascadepca.org and write Treasurer in the subject line. Wayne is the nominating committee for board positions this year. We'll appreciate our membership's support in this search. Many thanks in advance. Our thanks go also to Dale Morse who has retired as treasurer but continues as the acting treasurer until the board appoints his successor. Bookgroup to read Mango Elephants in the Sun: How Life in an African Village Let Me Be in My SkinAt its next meeting the book group will discuss Mango Elephants in the Sun: How Life in an African Village Let Me Be in My Skin by Susana Herrera. The author was a PCV in Cameroon, 1992-94, and writes about her experience as a teacher and an American of color in her Peace Corps setting. Publishers Weekly says of this 2000 publication by Herrera, "A fine storyteller, she paces her account so that her past in California slowly emerges (it turns out she has left an abusive marriage) between such adventures as eating termites and finding ingenious ways to circumvent the schools tradition of corporal punishment. "Though the occasional bits of magical realism and mediocre poetry feel forced, the prose is lively overall. The combination of Herrera's spunk, her romantic interest in a local doctor and her clever response to the political tensions involved in a teachers' strike make for an absorbing read. Clearly Herrera knows how to balance the bad with the good. It's no wonder that by the time her stay ended, many of her new friends in Guidiguis saw her departure as a tragedy." The book group will meet on Tuesday evening, May 20th, 7-9 pm, at the home of Josette Green. All are welcome. Josette's address is in the Membership Directory. |
RPCV Artist Featured in the Eugene MagazineThe Spring, 2014, issue of the Eugene Magazine includes an article describing the work of WCPCA member, James Cloutier, who has had a long career as a commercial artist in Lane County. James is a founding member of WCPCA. He's well known to the Peace Corps community as the designer of the WCPCA tee shirts and as creator of the graphics for the website and the venerable taxi that was long a focal point of our entries in the Eugene Celebration parade. Enjoy the article for a broader view of James' work. News from MacedoniaWCPCA members Rob and Sandi Merrigan are in their second year of Peace Corps service in Macedonia. This is their second Peace Corps assignment, having perviously served in Liberia, 1969-71. A recent email from Rob gives us an interesting view of their work. Rob writes: We enjoy reading the newsletter and seeing about all the WCPCA activities and the new RPCVs. We will definitely be involved again when we get home, which should be just before Christmas. Please tell James Cloutier that we frequently wear the shirt he designed and that WCPCA gave us ("We Must Be the Change We Want to See in the World"). It always evokes positive comments from fellow PVCs, PC staff, and Macedonian English speakers. They just evacuated all 200+ PCVs from the Ukraine. No problems in Macedonia happily. Greetings to everyone. All the best, Rob and Sandi P.S.: Here'a picture of Santa singing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" to the kindergarten children in Crnik, a village near us. They are lovely kids. I got to play Santa five times and had a blast.
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Peace Corps Ukraine Volunteers Evacuated SafelyWASHINGTON, D.C., February 24, 2014 - The Peace Corps today announced that all Peace Corps Ukraine volunteers are safe and accounted for, and have been successfully evacuated out of the country. The agency will continue to assess the safety and security climate in Ukraine. And while the Peace Corps hopes volunteers can return, the safety and security of its volunteers are the agency's top priority. Over 200 Peace Corps Ukraine volunteers were working in the areas of education and youth and community development. Volunteers will participate in a transition conference this week. Since the program was established in 1992, over 2,740 Peace Corps volunteers have served in Ukraine. Visit the Peace Corps website for further information. National Peace Corps Association's Annual Gathering, |
Saturday, June 21, 2014 Saturday will be an exciting program with TEDx-style talks from community members, award presentations, guest speakers, videos and entertainment. This program will take place in the brand new theater at the historic Country Music Hall of Fame in downtown Nashville. We will also be offering an opportunity for members of the community to nominate speakers for the TEDx-style talks. Saturday evening will also feature the "Annual TNRPCV Shindig." This event showcases live music from several bands and benefits international grassroots projects being conducted by Tennessee Peace Corps Volunteers. This event is being hosted by the Tennessee Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. WCPCA Renews Its Affiliation |