West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us

Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, Monday, September 10, 2012

Location: Home of Dorothy Soper

Attendees: Miriam Aiken, Keith Beyer, James Cloutier, Dale Morse, and Dorothy Soper

Guests: Vince Ceccacci, Ginny and Randall Donohue, Patty Mac Afee, Howard Schuman 

  1. Welcome to guests.

  2. Finances: Dale presented a revised financial statement as of September 2012.

  3. Membership: Miriam reported that total membership is holding steady at 140 members, though at the beginning of the month, notices were sent to 9 members whose expiration dates were 5 months or more ago.

    The NPCA roster from January 1 – September 9 shows that of the 42 names they forwarded to WCPCA, 14 were paying members and the rest were free memberships that included 7 PCVs with 2-year free members while serving in country, 7 who COSed in the past 12 months, and 11 who were first-time members. One couple was listed but only one member had paid dues. Rebates from the NPCA between July and September 9 totaled $90, however, one member paid $45 for 3 years of dues since he will be overseas.

  4. Discussion on the topic of how to organize activities and leadership of WCPCA in 2013. The following is the consensus that was reached in the discussion.

    The goal was to identify a structure for which the organization can identify adequate leadership.  The understanding was that the current level of activity is greater than we can sustain. With sufficient support more activities might be added to those listed.  That would be a board decision.  

    Starting in 2013:

    • Quarterly board meetings;

    • Quarterly potlucks;

    • Quarterly newsletter to members and mailing list; emails to members; and,

    • Mailing list in the other months or as necessary.

    Maintain the following as board responsibilities:

    • Financial organization including reporting to governmental agencies

    • NPCA affiliation fees and reports

    • Technical matters: maintain the website, membership database, annual membership directory, other tech support

    • Membership support: renewals, welcome to new members; NPCA contacts

    • Fundraising: tee shirt design and sales; calendar sales

    • Fund humanitarian projects using distributions of the endowed fund and proceeds from fundraising

    • Outreach activities: support U/O recruiter including sponsoring an annual NOM party and staffing the PC booth at U of O activities; Eugene Celebration parade and booth; supporting local charities

    • Overall organizational responsibilities: prepare for and convene board meetings, record and distribute minutes of board meetings, correspondence, follow-up on board decisions, prepare the organization’s annual report;

    • Check the P. O. box and distribute mail as necessary;

    • Attend regional RPCV group meetings

    The above would be basic responsibilities of the board and possibly others who

    are not on the board.  Organizing in this way will require a few changes in the WCPCA’s constitution and bylaws.

    Possible board meeting months: January, April, July, and early October

    Possible potluck months: February, May (NOM party), August (picnic), and late October to welcome newly returning PCVs

    In addition, there was interest in maintaining and/or initiating the following activities. Each activity requires or would require one or more individuals to organize it.  These activities are not overall board responsibilities.

    • Discussion group (ongoing)

    • Book group (Patty will convene the first meeting on 9/13.)

    • Periodic pub nights on a no host basis

    • More voluntary activities with Food for Lane County (Patty is interested in organizing these.)

    • Foreign affairs forum (John Hofer is interested in organizing this.)

  5. Review of August Activities:

    • Eugene Celebration: The booth at the Eugene Celebration was well received. Though participation in parade was light, the organization was well received with applause by spectators. This is the last year the taxi will be used.

    • Annual WCPCA picnic: Bob Watada and Rose Sakanishi hosted the picnic at his home in Pleasant Hill. About 25 people attended. Recently returned PCVs Kerry Davis of Vanuatu and Jennifer Knowles of Macedonia spoke of their experiences.

    • Northwest Regional RPCV Campout: Sam Greer organized the campout; the 54 campers and their families represented 24 countries. A new tradition of having a small morning meal for departing campers was started by the Spokane group, which will be the hosts for the August 2012 campout.

    • Discussion group: The informal group of 5 – 7 people continues at New Day Bakery twice a month. Topics vary depending on current events.

    • WCPCA reallocated $500 to the PCPP Vanuatu water project, which is now fully funded;

    • Prepare the September newsletter

  6. Coming activities;

    • New book group: Patty Mac Afee suggested that WCPCA start a book club. The idea came to her at the campout when she heard others speak of their book groups. The first meeting will be at Patty’s home on Thursday, September 13.

    • WCPCA will support the U of O Peace Corps Recruiter during the fall Street Faire at the U of O.

    • October 12th potluck: This potluck will welcome newly returning PCVs to Eugene.

    • December potluck: At this potluck new board members for 2013 will be elected.

    • WCPCA support won’t be needed by Food for Lane County at its fall fundraiser, which will be held this year at the King Estate Winery.

    Agenda items 7 and 8 were not discussed:

  7. Sale of tee shirts and calendars

  8. Review of current PCP projects

  9. The next board meeting will be October 8 at 7:00.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, September 17, 2012

Miriam Aiken, Secretary