Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, Monday, July 30, 2012
Home of Dorothy Soper
Attendees: Miriam Aiken, James
Cloutier, Josette Green, Dorothy Soper
June NPCA meeting in
Minneapolis: About 200 people attended the NPCA conference in
Minneapolis. The link below has been provided for access to the
Group Leaders Forum. It requires the creation of a password, date of
birth, and transcription of garbled words to
access. http://community.peacecorpsconnect.org/group/groupleadersforum?xgi=436Fx3mKwUbnBW&xg_source=msg_invite_group
2013 Wisconsin
International Calendar order: The 200 calendars ordered for
WCPCA fundraising have been received. See item 7 below for pricing.
Membership update:
Membership is steady at 140 – 150 members. In the first half
of 2012 we have received $15 rebates from the NPCA for 15 members.
Update of selected WCPCA
website pages: Dorothy and Miriam have been updating selected
WCPCA web site pages. The membership pages have been updated, and
the pages for the 50th Peace Corps Celebration are in the
final draft stage. Miriam has been working on the Links and
Donations pages.
Newsletter: A third
person is still being sought to help with the newsletter production.
Keith and Dorothy have been alternating as editors and Deb Jones has
been producing the final copy.
Finances: Dale sent a
financial report for the first half of the fiscal year. Dorothy
reviewed the budgeted amounts, revenues, and costs for the year.
Review of Summer and Fall
Fair, July 13-15. This
WCPCA's second year at the Oregon Country Fair's Peace and Justice
booth in Community Village.
Andrew Dempsey-Karp coordinated WPCA participation at the booth and
wrote an article for the August newsletter about the Fair.
Campout, August 2 –
Sam Greer is coordinating. Patty MacAfee will take calendars and
tee shirts to sell and also represent WCPCA at the regional meeting
to be held there. Camping spaces are sold out! WCPCA will host a
dinner for attendees on Saturday night.
WCPCA Picnic, August
18, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Dorothy and Josette are coordinating;
it will be at the home of Bob Watada and Rosa Sakanishi. The program
will include two speakers: Kerry Davis, Vanuatu, 2009-2011, and
Jennifer Knowles, Macedonia, 2009-2011.
Eugene Celebration,
August 25 – 26: Dorothy is coordinating. See item 5 below.
Potluck, October 12th.
Maggie and Josette are coordinating. The hosts will be Nancy and
Walt Meyer.
Potluck, December.
Maggie and Josette are coordinating. Photos of PCVs at their site
will be shown as in 2011. There will be an effort to get different
people to submit photos.
Eugene Celebration
August 25-26:
Parade: Props used in
last year’s parade were reviewed: taxi, vinyl banner with the
WCPCA name spelled out, and flags. The taxi will be used at least
one last time. Wayne Thompson will organize people to “run”
the taxi and he will use his truck to transport it. The flags and
vinyl banners will be used again. Peace Corps posters will be
laminated and carried on bamboo poles. James is preparing a prop
that would carry the message of the theme of the Eugene Celebration
this year, which is “Raise the Roof” (to benefit Habitat
for Humanity). The Eugene Celebration management encourages parade
participants to wear costumes; participants will be asked to wear
either an item of traditional dress from their country of service or
one of the new “Peace Corps Forever” tee shirts.
Booth: Suggestions
are to decorate with Peace Corps posters, hand out Peace Corps
literature, sell 2013 Wisconsin International Calendars, sell WCPCA
tee shirts, have a sign up sheet for new RPCVs and those interested
in the Peace Corps, have a geography game on current and former PC
countries, and have a world map with pins to show where local PCVs
have served. Staffing of the booth is now in progress and there will
be a sign up sheet at the picnic. The tent/booth will be set up on a
trial basis in Dorothy’s backyard in mid August or possibly at
the August 18th picnic. The set-up and takedown crew for the tent
are to be determined.
Peace Corps Partnership
Project: The project that we funded in June, Community Cereal
Bank in Kenya, has been cancelled. We can either redirect our $500
contribution to another project or ask the Peace Corps to return our
funds. After discussion, those board members present agree, pending
approval from a quorum of board members, to redirect the funds to the
Rural Water System Development in Vanuatu. WCPCA has already donated
$500 to this project, but it was felt that a working water system
already under way was an important project to support. After polling
board members, Miriam will contact the PCPP in Washington, DC to
transfer our donation. [NOTE: Two additional board members approved
the re-direction of funds, and PCPP was contacted on Monday, August
6, to approve the transfer.]
2013 International
Calendars. Sale price of the calendars was set at $12 each, $10
each if 5 or more are purchased, and if the calendars are sold in
local retail stores, the cost will be $8 each. These prices are the
same as in previous years.
WCPCA Leadership for 2013:
By early November we need to identify WCPCA members who are willing
to serve on the WCPCA board. This group should include all or most
current members plus others who are interested in contributing to the
leadership of the organization. Dorothy encouraged us to think about
recruiting new board members and talk about this as we see one
another at summer activities. We’ll talk in greater detail in
September and October. The election of the 2013 board will take
place at the December potluck. Maggie Kennan and Josette have
indicated that they will not be continuing on the 2013 board. James
plans to move to Newport within the next few months, but he is
planning to continue on the board.
Monday, will be the first fall meeting.
and November 5 were proposed for the next two meetings.
meetings will be at Dorothy’s house.
Respectfully submitted, August 28,
Miriam Aiken, Secretary