Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, Monday, June 11, 2012
Home of Dorothy Soper
Miriam Aiken, James Cloutier, Maggie Keenan, Josette Green, and
Dorothy Soper
Easther Chigumira, Zimbabwe, U of O Graduate Student, Department of
Chigumira talked about the Board Governance class that she took at
the U of O and how her attendance at our board meetings and also
being chair of the Tariro board have provided her with board
experience, which is a class requirement. The U of O Department of
Planning, Public Policy, and Management offers the class in
partnership with Pacific Continental Bank.
Beyer and Dorothy attended the ceremony that concluded the class.
WCPCA received a certificate from Pacific Continental Bank in
recognition of our contribution. This will be Easther’s last
meeting with us. She will be returning to Zimbabwe for a year of
work on her dissertation and she will return to U of O in September
Hindman volunteered to be the WCPCA representative at the
Minneapolis meeting being organized by NPCA, June 29-July 1. He
is well qualified to represent us since he was a representative for
the Northwest Region on the NPCA board.
report. Dale is in China. Dorothy shared the OCCU statement
with the board. There is over $28,000 in the BBMF and we will
receive about $1,100 in distributions from the fund soon; there is
about $1,700 in the checking account, and $4,000 in the savings
shirt sales. Four more shirts were sold since the last meeting.
We need to push sales prior to the parade at the Eugene Celebration
in August.
No news.
International calendar order. Dorothy spoke to a woman with the
Madison group and we were informed that the printer will directly
mail large orders to organizations. We should have our order by the
time of the Eugene Celebration.
website pages. Dorothy and Miriam are revising and updating the
web pages. Primary effort has been on the membership pages since
some people had complained about the difficulty of updating records
or renewing their membership. Dorothy is working of revisions to the
Peace Corps 50th pages and a photo of the celebration at
the plaza on March 1, is included as well a picture of the 50th
tee shirt that James designed. Still to be added is a map. There is
a section with links to articles about the Peace Corps 50th
that appeared in local publications. Maggie will add some snappy
icons for some links. Miriam is updating the Links page and the News
page. There is currently some overlap and the News page may be
incorporated on other pages. Dorothy is working on the Business
page, which will have links to minutes of the meetings, treasurer’s
reports, and a section about the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund and our
501 (c) (3) status.
for summer/fall activities:
Fair, July 13-15. Andrew Dempsey-Karp is coordinating. Six (6)
volunteers are needed for our part of the booth in the Community
Village section. Four have come forward, and Andrew will also be
working. James moved and Miriam seconded a motion to fund $102 for
the camping pass and volunteers’ day passes. Motion carried.
Peace Corps literature will be distributed and there will be a WCPCA
banner. There will be a sign-up sheet for people to indicate an
interest in the Peace Corps and/or WCPCA.
August 2 – 5. Sam Greer is coordinating. (See email in
NOTES.) Currently there are 25 registrants; the goal is 50 to 55
Picnic, August 18, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Dorothy and Josette
are coordinating. It will be at the home of Bob Watada and Rosa
Sakanishi. The program will include two speakers: Kerry Davis,
Vanuatu, 2009-2011, and Jennifer Knowles, Macedonia, 2009-2011.
October 12th. Maggie and Josette are
coordinating. The hosts will be Nancy and Walt Meyer.
December. Maggie and Josette are coordinating. Photos of PCVs
at their site will be shown as before. There will be an effort to
get different people to submit photos.
Eugene Celebration (August 25-26) planning. Dorothy is
coordinating applications and planning. The theme is “Raising
the Roof”, to benefit Habitat for Humanity. We’re
registered for a booth in the Community Causeway. Please look at the
EC’s website for a listing of participating organizations:
applied to be in the parade. Please read the requirements for parade
entries in the note section of this agenda. Dorothy sent an email
to Wayne Thompson asking if he would be willing to manage the
transport of the taxi for the parade; so far he has not responded.
Organizers have asked that participants in our section wear host
country costumes or the JFK tee shirt.
is hosting a meeting at her house on Saturday at 10:00 am to discuss
planning for the booth. Evangelina Sundgrenz is coming. The goal
is to have plans in place by the end of this month. The board agreed
that a country-of-service map should be used again, with a larger
map. Colored pins will represent both former and current host
countries and RPCV visitors to the booth can insert a pin at the site
of service. Miriam will contact the people who worked at the booth
last year to see if they are willing to help this year.
Agenda items to suggest for the northwest groups’ regional
meeting at the campout in August. Daryl Johnson, the Northwest
Regional Representative to the NPCA board, will chair the meeting.
In lieu of reports from groups on what the groups are doing, the
following two items have been suggested:
has been no direct response to an appeal for an Advocacy
response to the request of participation in the Mentoring program.
See June newsletter for background information.
Wand reported that the NPCA is going to sponsor short term visits
to Peace Corps host countries that will include an in-country
tour and an opportunity to meet and work with an on-site Volunteer.
Tour costs would be about $2,500 - $3,000.
NPCA is helping the Baylor College of Medicine to identify female
Peace Corps Volunteers who were in service from 1961 – 1989 to
take part in a survey regarding the incidence of breast cancer.
This is a follow up to recent studies that show that rats experience
a reduced rate of breast cancer as a result of taking chloroquine,
the active ingredient in the malaria medication used by PCVs during
that time period. Information about the research is available at:
of PCPP projects.
Oregon PCVs and one Washington PCV have posted projects on the Peace
Corps Partnership site. So far this year, WCPCA has awarded $1,335
in total for two PCPP out of $2,000 budgeted and these projects are
listed on the website. See list at top of next page.
Cereal Bank,
Bostian B., OR, #615-198, $2,841 needed
Jasperson A., OR, #343-328, $3,538 needed
Water System Development,
Karr N., OR, #461-050, $4,487 needed
Technology and Language,
Valles, D, WA, #343-340, $2,342 needed
Washing Stations Johnson B., OR, #696-017, $206.03
board voted to fund the Kenya Community Cereal Bank at $500, and the
Hand Washing Stations at the full amount needed of $206.03.
Planning for the July newsletter. Dorothy is coordinating. Articles
are needed by June 22nd in order to assemble the newsletter before
Dorothy goes out of town. (This is a corrected date: originally the
request was for Monday, June 25th.
The board will be notified of the change by email.)
30, Monday, the next board
meeting in August; the
previously scheduled August date was moved forward to July; and
Monday, will be the first
fall meeting.
meetings will be at Dorothy’s house.
Eugene Celebration Parade will be limited to a maximum of 100
entries. The parade committee reviews all applications. The committee
reserves the right to choose only those entries that meet the
criteria established in this application. Please complete your
application with as much detail as possible, as acceptance of your
entry is based only on the information you provide.
entry should have the following:
is well designed and has an exceptional central theme or idea. We
need to get your message in 20 seconds!
incorporates the parade theme.
entry is fun, clever, and well received by the audience. It should
make us want to stand up and cheer.
easily travels the parade route, turns corners and fits under traffic
signals. Entry meets size restrictions and safety regulations. The
height of the entry needs to easily pass under trees and traffic
devices encountered on the Parade route.
or live music, use of instruments, chants, or other audio is
effectively used by your entry.
is an interesting, unusual and exciting routine performed
consistently throughout the parade route.
are original in nature, unusual and/or well designed. Props are
inventive and are large enough to be visible to the audience.
from Sam Greer on 6/8 is below. Our goal is to have 50-55 people
register for the campout.
Dorothy for getting the schedule onto the WCPCA site; the other
group's didn't post it, so the only way folks will see it is on the
Eugene site. We have 22 paid adult reservations for a total of
$440 returned to the WCPCA coffers so far; I expect to see more Boise
reservations next week since I was just there 2 weeks ago. And I will
see a number of the Portland RPCVs June 22-25 at their Silver Falls
campout and will recruit more of them for the August
gathering. We Coastals intend to use up all the rain in
the next week or two so there won't be any to worry about in
August! Peace, Sam
submitted, June 13, 2012
Aiken, Secretary