Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, August 15, 2011Location:
Home of Dorothy Soper
Miriam Aiken, Keith Beyer, James Cloutier, Jack Meacham, Dale Morse,
Rosa Sakanishi, Dorothy Soper, Wayne Thompson, Bob Watada
Agenda Items:
Minutes of the July board
meeting were circulated and approved via email and are posted on
the web site.
WCPCA Picnic was held on
Saturday August 13, at the home of Rosa Sakanishi and Bob Watada.
It was a lovely day, all enjoyed Bob’s Zen garden, and the
board extended its thanks for their hospitality.
Newsletter: Felicia is
out of town, but Keith reported that Felicia has been doing great
work on getting the issues out. Felicia and Keith are open to
articles and stories about the 50th Peace Corps reunion
to be held in Washington, DC in September.
Membership: No new
Rubio, of the Peace Corps Partnership Program,
sent a letter thanking WCPCA for our donation to the
Sustainable Cook Stoves for the PCPP in Peru. When Dale
and Dorothy recorded the donation on the PCPP web site, there was
an opportunity to designate a person to be notified about the
donation. As the funds were from the Beryl Brinkman Memorial
Fund, Tricia Tate’s name was designated and she too received
an acknowledgement from the Peace Corps.
It is a condition of the BBMF
grant that recipients of funds are informed about Beryl’s
life and that Tricia and Natalie Brinkman be informed about the
use of funds.
Jack suggested a standing
committee be created to form an institutional memory about these
An email from Bart Bolger,
President of the Corvallis Veterans for Peace, asked if our groups
might work together. His letter was printed in the August
newsletter. See item 4 for discussion.
Dorothy is going to draft a
letter to the University asking for the criteria for using the
Long House and how reservations can be made for its use. Last
spring, our reservation was not properly recorded and WCPCA had to
find a new venue. Dorothy wants to make the point that rules
should be in writing and available to the public that wishes to
use the facility.
Campout: Sam
Greer and Joe Hindman of WCPCA attended the campout in Idaho.
Sam Greer attended as the West Cascade Representative.
He will be organizing the WCPCA campout next year at Charleston,
on the coast. The NW regional campout was organized by
the Idaho RPCV group and held at Grayback
Gulch, Idaho.
There was a discussion about liability in case of
injury and a suggestion that we investigate this before West Cascade
hosts the campout in 2012.
Treasurer’s Report: Dale
reported that we have less than $500 in the checking account, which
reflects the balance after paying $600 for the 2012 International
Calendars. There is over $5,000 in the savings account. Dorothy
pointed out that we are able to cover expenses with dues and that we
have additional income from the sale of calendars and tee shirts.
Letter from Bart Bolger,
President of Veterans for Peace, Corvallis. Bob said the
organization is largely made up of Vietnam Era Veterans. It is one
of many organizations working toward peace. They are politically
oriented and will organize around political issues such as Agent
Orange and, currently, PTSD.
Bob suggested that we determine
if WCPCA has anything in common with Veterans for Peace.
Keith suggested that Bart come to
a board meeting to meet us and discuss ways we could work together.
Jack suggested that we express an
interest in Bart’s question but also let him know that we are
interested in broader issues of peace. Jack suggested an
organization such as CALC (Community Alliance of Lane County).
Also the question was raised
about how the organization should decide whether to affiliate with
another group. Is that a question for a board decision or a
membership decision? If the board pursues the matter to
affiliate, this will be a topic of discussion<.
Before the next meeting, board
members were encouraged to research CALC at their web site and
decide whether we like the organization and would want to affiliate
with them. At the next meeting we can discuss whether to take the
question of affiliation to the general membership.
(Post meeting) Dorothy has
responded to Mr. Bolger’s request for information regarding
RPCVs who live in Corvallis by sending him a list of RPCVs in
Corvallis from the 2009 NPCA directory. At this time the
board doesn’t plan any specific further steps with Veterans
for Peace in Corvallis.
Eugene Celebration:
Parade: The parade route
is shorter this year due to road construction; the starting point
is the South Eugene High School at 10:00; participants should
arrive at 9:30. Participants should wear costumes from host
countries or the 50th tee shirt designed by James.
James will have tee shirts there to sell if anyone wants to buy
one. James has the flags. Wayne is in charge of the taxi. Nick
Bosustow has the four Peace Corps regional signs, the 50th
banner, and the cloth banner. We do not yet know our position in
the parade.
Booth: Vern Delk has
created an attractive and colorful layout for the booth that will
feature Peace Corps recruitment materials, WCPCA items for sale,
and a map showing countries were the Peace Corps has served and is
currently serving. PCVs visiting the booth can insert a pushpin
to indicate locations where they have served. We still need a sign
with our group name; Dorothy will take one to Kinkos to be
laminated and Miriam will pick it up. Miriam has a sign up sheet
for the shifts at the booth. There are still a few slots that need
to be filled.
Cost of items for sale at the booth are as follows:
- Tee shirts with 50th
design, $15;
- Older sweatshirts and tee
shirts, $10
- Peace as Policy tee shirt,
- 2012 International Calendars,
$12 each, or 5 for $10 each.
Review of framework for funding
humanitarian programs. Dorothy summarized the history of
funding grants for humanitarian projects and the framework for
distribution of funds from the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund (BBMF).
(See attachment to agenda.) Historically, WCPCA has funded Peace
Corps Partnership Projects but also other types of humanitarian
projects both in the US and abroad. (See list on WCPCA web site.)
She also referred to the WCPCA constitution and by-laws, which do
not specifically mention grants. The guidelines for the BBMF do
specifically address grants but do not specify that grants be given
solely to Peace Corps Partnership Projects; allocation of those
funds is at the discretion of the board.
Bob believes that funds should be
allocated only for PCPP and some board members appreciated his
concern that projects be vetted by the Peace Corps and be given to
currently serving Volunteers in active Peace Corps countries.
Wayne also added that in view of all the money that the US has sent
to Afghanistan during the war, he did not want to send more.
Miriam cited the WCPCA
constitution (revised 11/14/08), Article II. Purpose, Section 1,
part b: (paraphrasing) The purpose of this organization is to
provide a regional, interdisciplinary forum for charitable
activities related to understanding and assisting people from
diverse cultures in the Eugene, OR area and in countries where
Peace Corps Volunteers have served.
Discussion of projects or
programs to honor the memory of Artis Spriggs. Dorothy
reminded the board that a $500 donation to a humanitarian
organization to honor the memory of Artis Spriggs was approved in
May 2011. Dale clarified that the funds for this donation will come
from the BBMF, which has a balance of $1,525.00. $1,000 in the
general fund for charitable projects has already been spent.
Miriam said that when she made
the motion to fund the memorial project, she had intended/hoped
that the project would be in Afghanistan where Artis and Beryl
served in the same Peace Corps small pox vaccination group. Artis
and Beryl were not only close friends, Artis also maintained an
interest in Afghanistan supporting not only Friends of Afghanistan
but also other charitable organizations in Afghanistan,
specifically, Central Asia Institute (CAI).
In lieu of CAI, which has had
recent unfavorable publicity, Miriam looked for an internationally
known organization with sound financial ratings that has current
projects in Afghanistan and recommended Mercy Corps. Felicia Kenny
contacted Friends of Afghanistan and asked what group they were
supporting. FoA supports School of Leadership – Afghanistan
(SOLA). Dale reviewed their financial information and group
structure and found that it was sound, though operating on a very
small budget.
Dorothy suggested four PCPP
projects organized by PCVs from Washington and currently
listed on the Peace Corps website as possible candidates for
After a discussion of each of the
options, Miriam moved and Jack seconded that we send the $500
donation to SOLA in Artis’ memory. The motion was carried by
a vote of 5 yeses and 2 nos. (Eight board members were present;
the president can vote only in the case of a tie.)
Other topics.
- October 2, Sunday, Mr.
Karangathi, the Rotary Peace scholar, from Kenya, will be speaking.
WCPCA has agreed to publicize his presentation.
- October 7, Friday, is the Welcome
Back potluck at the Wesley Center near the U of O campus.
- November is the General Meeting
of the membership and new board elections.
Respectfully submitted 8/21/11
Miriam Aiken, Secretary