Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, December 6, 2010Location:
Maggie Keenan’s home
Attendees: Miriam Aiken, John
Hofer, Maggie Keenan, Jack Meacham, Shannon Micheel, Dale Morse, Rosa
Sakanishi, Dorothy Soper, Wayne Thompson, Bob Watada
Vice President Dorothy Soper
convened the board meeting at 7:10 p.m. with a welcome to new board
members. This was the last board meeting for 2010 members and new
board members had been invited to attend to facilitate a smooth
transition. Agenda items included a review of final report for the
year 2010, planning activities for 2011, and approval of a budget
for 2011.
As an addition to the agenda, Dorothy
asked for a backup for James Cloutier who was going to participate in
an interview in Portland about the Peace Corps. James has
laryngitis. The interview is for the Portland Historical Society on
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. Dale Morse said he thought
he could serve as the back up.
Membership Directory. An
updated membership directory will be ready this week, certainly by
Wednesday, the 8th. It will be distributed to the
membership by Friday, December 10th. WCPCA got a lot of
new memberships through the affiliation with the NPCA, many of whom
are newly returned volunteers and have a free membership.
Newsletter. Felicia
Kenney would like to institute a new approach to newsletter and
develop a list of specific items or topics to be included as
features in each issue. She would like the board’s input
about the topics to be included. Some examples are: Plans for the
50th Peace Corps Celebration; Potluck Dinners including
announcements of dates and locations, and also a report on those
events; Special Notices, about one-time events to which members are
invited, notices about the sale of calendars, or fund raising
events. Keith Beyer is helping Felicia organize articles and
collecting submissions.
Sale of RPCV Madison, WI
Calendars. There are 38 calendars remaining to be sold.
Calendars may still be purchased at Swahili Imports and The Smith
Family Bookstore on 13th Avenue. Dorothy and James have
other remaining calendars in their homes. Some will be taken to
Sweet Life for sale and there will be an email to membership
alerting them to the dwindling supply of calendars. There was a
discussion about reducing the price of the calendars after Christmas
but no decision was made.
Draft Final Report for 2010.
Dorothy walked through her draft of a final report for WCPCA for
2010. The report discussed the WCPCA mission and five goals, as
well a summary of the website and newsletter, affiliation with the
NPCA, WCPCA membership, financial status, and organizational and
outreach activities. The board approved the draft for posting on
the website.
Treasurer’s Report.
Jack Meacham presented a budget and list of income and expenses for
WCPCA as of December 6, 2010. He also presented a draft budget for
2011. He suggested that the 2011 budget serve as a constraint or
guideline for group commitments so that the budget is balanced. He
called attention to two items on the budget that are difficult to
predict: 1) the income from the sale of calendars (See item #4.)
and, 2) the anticipated costs for the Celebration of the Peace Corps
50th. Dorothy thanked Jack for his organization of the
budget. The board approved the draft 2011 budget excluding the
costs of the 50th. (Discussed in #7 below).
Celebration of the Peace Corps
50th on March 1 in Eugene. Maggie
Keenan presented a two-page plan of events for the 50th
that included a description of the Broadway Plaza Event at noon on
March 1st, the Cozmic Pizza Event the evening of March 1st,
publicity plans, budget, and a task list that requires people to
staff and implement. Discussion focused on the budget for the 50th
and whether to have a cover charge at Cozmic Pizza, and if so, how
much, or, whether to circulate among the attendees with donation
buckets. Money collected would be used to defray the costs of the
Celebration and any excess income over costs will be used for Peace
Corps Partnership Program(s).
Peace Corps 50th
Budget. In 2010, $350 was expended for the Celebration with
another $1,440 in expenditures anticipated in 2011, bringing the
total expenses to $1,790. Anticipated income for the 50th is $1,000,
for a total cost of $790. The board approved a budget of $1,440 in
2011 for the 50th.
An email letter requesting donations
will be sent to the full mailing list, reminding people of our 501
status, and that donations are tax deductible. Maggie Keenan and
Dorothy Soper will work on this.
Next Board Meeting. Dale
Morse offered to host the next board meeting, which was set for
Monday, January 3rd. He will send directions.
Potluck. A pot luck is
scheduled for January 28th at a place to be determined.
Additional agenda items were not
covered due to time constraints; they will be on the agenda at the
next meeting. These include organizational goals for 2011, potlucks
and other social meetings, fundraising, service activities, and
celebration of the Peace Corps 50th.
Minutes by Miriam