West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us

Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, October 18, 2010

Location: Home of Michael Kresko & Shannon Micheel

Attendees: Miriam Aiken, Jim Beyer, Keith Beyer, Nick Bosustow, James Cloutier, Maggie Keenan, Felicia Kenney, Michael Kresko, Ted Kulongoski, Jack Meacham, Wendy Nelson, Dorothy Soper, Wayne Thompson

  1. President James Cloutier opened the meeting at 7:05 PM. There were no additions to the agenda.

  2. Jim Beyer presented a summary of his role as the nominating committee for the upcoming board elections, and an update of the plans of current board members.

    • Wayne Thompson, Bob Watada, and John Hofer plan to continue their roles as at-large board members.

    • Dorothy Soper plans to continue as Vice President of the board, but with the caveat that some of her duties may be shifted to other members.

    • James Cloutier no longer wishes to be President, but will remain on the board as an at-large member.

    • Wendy Nelson plans to continue as secretary for the short-term, but may be stepping down mid-year.

    • George Jeffcott plans to step down.

    • Felicia Kenny plans to continue as Communications Officer, but indicated a desire to pass the writing of the newsletter on to someone else.

    • Maggie Keenan plans to continue as an at-large member, mainly focusing on the Peace Corps 50th celebration.

    • Jack Meacham no longer wishes to be treasurer, but will remain on the board as an at-large member.

    • Michael Kresko and Shannon Micheel have not yet decided on their plans.

  3. Dorothy and James spent some time explaining the role of board members, as there were several potential members present. The role consists mainly of helping to plan social, fundraising, and volunteer events, as well as working with the UO campus recruiter.

  4. Plans for the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary Celebration

    • The Eugene Weekly has agreed to give us a 4-page insert in their publication the week before our March 1 celebration. Maggie and John will be meeting to discuss the content of the insert.

    • We will be manning the non-profit booth at the Eugene Saturday Market on November 16, as a way to bring more visibility to our event. Anyone who wishes to volunteer is encouraged to contact Maggie.

    • James mentioned that Niki Harris deserves our thanks for her assistance with the development of the graphic we are using to promote the 50th. Dorothy moved that we give her a $25 gift certificate to Sweet Life Bakery. Felicia seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The cost will come out of the 50th fund.

  5. We still have $900 budgeted for our 2010 project distribution. Shannon Micheel will bring a list of potential projects to the next meeting, for our consideration.

  6. The October potluck was very successful, with about 65 people in attendance, including UO undergraduates. There was a last minute need for Dorothy to rent a sound system for $90. Jack moved that the board reimburse her for that expense. Felicia seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.

  7. The November potluck and annual meeting will take place on November 12 at the home of Dorothy Soper. The meeting will include a brief report of our accomplishments to date, an update on the 50th celebration, the election of board members and officers, and a guest speaker and/or show and tell.

  8. OLLI Presentation Update

    Dorothy reported that the OLLI presentation will take place on a Friday in mid to late February. Howard Schuman has agreed to be the moderator of the discussion, which will include Tom English, Nancy Meyer, Laura Massengale, and Justin Overdevest as panelists.

  9. Calendar Sales:

    • Felicia mentioned that 2 calendars have been sold to previous buyers whom she emailed.

    • James mentioned that there are only 46 calendars left.

  10. Dorothy mentioned that we currently have about 120 members. Six new members have joined in the past month

Next Board Meeting: Monday, November 15, at the home of Felicia Kenney.

Next Potluck: November 12, at the home of Dorothy Soper.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Wendy Nelson.