Email Newsletter for September 2010Greetings from the West Cascade Peace Corps Association!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR FOOD FOR LANE COUNTY Food for Lane County is holding its annual Empty Bowls Dinner/Auction on Saturday, September 25. This is their major fund raising event. It is held in the warehouse of their main facility on Bailey Hill.
RPCVs help by "breaking down" the event. That means putting away all the chairs, tables, and other things used to set and decorate the tables. Work starts about 9 pm and takes about an hour.
To prepare for the work, volunteers can arrive about 8:30 for a really good buffet of hors d'oeuvres provided by McCallum catering.
Please RSVP to volunteer_events@westcascadepca.org.
Peace Corps 50 - JFK's Dream Lives On Calling all RPCVs!!!
Get yourself, and as many host country nationals from your country of service as you can find, to Eugene, Oregon on March 1, 2011.
RPCVs from near and far, and friends from around the world, will descend on Broadway Plaza (Willamette & Broadway) at 12 noon for an enormous party. The country with the largest turnout wins an amazing prize! We'll take a photograph and show the nation that JFK's dream lives on in Oregon.
Later that evening... Join us at the Vet's Club, for food, drink, dance and more celebrating!
Let us know you're coming by visiting our Peace Corps 50 event on Facebook.
Summer picnic: Many thanks to Bob Watada and Rosa Sakanishi for hosting our summer picnic on August 1st at the poolside of their lovely home in Pleasant Hill. Approximately sixty people enjoyed magnificent sunshine, excellent food, and the good company. We were pleased to have a few families with children join us. They especially enjoyed the pool.
October potluck: It's almost a tradition now for WCPCA to welcome new and returning RPCVs who are university students as well as aspiring PCVs at an early October potluck at the Many Nations Longhouse on the University of Oregon campus. This is a good chance for them to meet one another and mix and mingle with WCPCA members. We're privledged to have this close connection to an RPCV destination point and recruiting site. It keeps us well connected with the current Peace Corps.
This year the potluck will on on Friday, October 8th, 6-8 pm. Please join us to greet the newcomers and also learn from a fascinating program. WCPCA member, Maggie Keenan, and her daughter, Emily, will describe their visit to Maggie's Peace Corps site of 20 years ago in the Philippines and their reconnections with Maggie's family and friends at the site. We'll also hear from a newly returned PCV and learn about his/her recent project.
Membership: WCPCA now has approximately 115 members. I urge members whose membership is in need of renewing to renew in the near future so that their names will appear in the updated membership directory which will be prepared in October.
At its August meeting the WCPCA board adopted a new membership category for RPCVs who join the organization for the first time no matter when they served in the Peace Corps. These people will now receive their first year of membership at no charge. This change brings us into correspondence with the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) membership practices.
If you are an RPCV who has never belonged to NPCA or WCPCA before, this is your chance to try out membership in both at no cost! Consider taking this step to be fully vested to follow what's going on to celebrate the 50th. You can easily join both organizations at once by going to the NPCA membership page. For further information on WCPCA membership go to the membership page of the WCPCA website.
Request from NPCA: HELP US RECRUIT PCVs: NPCA is seeking ten serving Peace Corps Volunteers to represent their respective Peace Corps geographic regions on its newly created Serving Volunteer Advisory Board. The purpose of the Serving Volunteer Advisory Board is to create a regular two-way channel of communication between serving Peace Corps Volunteers and the NPCA.
Please help us spread the word among serving PCVs! You'll find more information on our blog.
Texting, Skype Alter the Peace Corps Experience
Until fairly recently, joining the Peace Corps usually meant living in a remote
location and leaving behind your family, friends and way of life. But improved
technology is changing how volunteers serve — and how they keep in touch with home.
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Contest for Peace Corps' 50th anniversary
The Washington Post
August 6, 2010 -- The Peace Corps is turning 50, and an advocacy group, The National Peace Corps Association, is sponsoring an international video competition to honor the milestone...
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Peace Corps veterans recall the power of a clarion call
Detroit Free Press
August 24, 2010 -- If you doubt the impact of a single voice uttering a single sentence, talk to Peace Corps volunteers who set off to help the world in the late 1960s...
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Dealing with reverse culture shock
Tas Anjarwalla, CNN
August 24, 2010 -- You're in a country where everything feels different. The food isn't what you're used to; the people don't make sense. It's sensory overload and you're bewildered by all the things around you...
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DOS funds Peace Corps in tackling energy, climate issues
August 20, 2010
In support of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA), the Department of State will provide $1 million to fund Peace Corps volunteer efforts that increase rural access to energy, mitigate the effects of climate change, and support the use of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies in Central and South American communities.
More information
The full text of the minutes is available on the website.