Email Newsletter for June 2010Greetings from the West Cascade Peace Corps Association!
June 14: June WCPCA Board Meeting
June 25 - June 27: Second Annual CRPCA Local Campout
More information at http://www.crpca.org/local.html
August 1: Summer WCPCA Potluck at Bob Watada's (more details below)
Peace Corps Nomination Party Thank you to the 80+ attendees of the 2010 Peace Corps Nomination Event at the Many Nations Longhouse, University of Oregon. Once again the food, wide palette of clothing, and company made the event unique and important for the soon to be Peace Corps Volunteers. The attendance of a wonderful balance of nominees, interested applicants, and RPCVs made the night informative and entertaining. The UO Peace Corps office and WCPCA would especially like to congratulate the 36 nominees from the University and greater Eugene area that will be heading out within the coming days to months to serve. As always volunteers will be going many different parts of the world. Three volunteers leave this week, two for Peru and one to Togo. Additional thanks to guest speakers David Povey, RPCV, Philippines 1962-64, Professor emeritus, Department of Planning, Public Policy, and Management, University of Oregon, and Laura Massengale, RPCV, Senegal 2007-09, graduate student, University of Oregon, as well as students from the International Culture Service Program who performed traditional dances from Thailand and Kazakhstan. The evening however would not have been possible without the efforts of volunteers that helped setup and cleanup the event.
Justin Overdevest Peace Corps Recruiter, University of Oregon
In the past couple of months, the West Cascade Peace Corps Aassociation Board has received resignations from two members, Rolly Thompson and Evangelina Sungrenz. On behalf the board, I would like to publicly express our gratitude to them for the service they have rendered as board members these past several years. Rolly and Evangelina's participation has contributed significantly to WCPCA's many accomplishments during their period of service. In addition to having a long and outstanding history of membership with West Cascade, Rolly most recently served as vice president of the board and successfully filled in during my many absences this past year for which I personally thank her. For the past two years, she also took on the challenging task of organizing the sale of the international calendars, WCPCA's primary fundraiser, and sold about half the calendars herself. Evangelina's three years of service on the board was assumed in the role of treasurer, a position demanding a great deal of time and committment which she fulfilled admirably. And together, both Evangelina and Rolly spent many long hours in preparing the successful WCPCA application to the IRS fpr 501(c)(3) status. Thanks again, Rolly and Evangelina for helping make West Cascade PCA the strong organization that it is and accept our deepest appreciation for your service.
James Cloutier President
Summer picnic Our next gathering will be on the beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon of August 1st. Bob Watada and Rosa Sakanishi have ordered this special weather and offer us the bucolic setting of their alpaca farm in Pleasant Hill complete with a swimming pool. The overall time will be 3-6 pm, allowing ample time for fun and games. This will be a potluck dinner as usual and we’ll plan to eat about 5 pm. More details will be in the July newsletter.
Celebrating new PC volunteers from Lane County WCPCA and the Peace Corps Recruiter’s Office at the University of Oregon once again collaborated successfully on May 21st to organize the annual NOM party to celebrate the newly nominated Peace Corps volunteers from Lane County. Over seventy people gathered to meet the new nominees and their families and introduce them to the local Peace Corps community.
Justin Overdevest, the U of O Peace Corps recruiter, organized the program. WCPCA provided potluck dishes and some extra food as well as volunteer backup. Many thanks for help in setting up and greeting people go to several board members as well as Nick Bosustow, Rob Dwan, John Hannah, Andrew Karp, Patty and Greg Morrow, Julie Olson, and Rosa Sakanishi. Thank yous also go to other West Cascade members who stayed for the clean up. We extend special gratitude to Cheryl and Catherine Reinhart, owners of Sweet Life Patisserie in Eugene, for contributing a plate of delicious brownies. Cheryl was a PCV in Guinea (Conakry), 1989-90.
Membership WCPCA now has 126 members. New members who joined recently are Dalva Crites and Marlen Marshall (Guyana, 2005-07).
Dorothy Soper Vice President
Third Goal News Alert The Peace Corps puts out Third Goal News Alert, a bimonthly update on how the Peace Corps community is promoting cross-cultural awareness through the third goal. Unfortunately, this seems to exist only as an email, so I can't just put up a link for those who may be interested. However, if you'd like to read it, send an email to info@westcascadepca.org, and I'll forward it to you.
Felicia Kenney Communications Coordinator
The full text of the minutes is available on the website.