West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us

Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, June 14, 2010

Location: Home of Maggie Keenan

Attendees: James Cloutier, John Hofer, George Jeffcott, Maggie Keenan, Jack Meacham, Wendy Nelson, Rosa Sakanishi, Dorothy Soper, Wayne Thompson, Bob Watada

  1. President James Cloutier opened the meeting at 7:10 PM. No additions were made to the agenda.

  2. Dorothy Soper reported that there are now 132 members of the WCPCA, including 3 current PCVs.

  3. Treasurer’s Report:

    The recent nomination party incurred $167 in expenses for food and beverages. Justin Overdevest spent an additional $30 for non-food supplies.

    General Fund assets: $6,671.48
    Beryl Memorial Fund assets: $1,591.40

  4. The revised text for the donations page on the website was voted on and unanimously accepted. It will include links to specific PCV projects the WCPCA has funded. The total amount donated and the project information will be updated on a yearly basis.

  5. The recent OCF meeting on fundraising was discussed, and it was agreed that we should attend future meetings if they are held locally. Maggie Keenan expressed a willingness to attend future meetings, and Jack Meacham will forward meeting notifications to the rest of the board as he receives them.

  6. Plans for the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary Celebration

    • Dorothy has continued the phone survey of current WCPCA members, and has received a very positive reception from the people she has spoken to. She has also developed a short email survey to be used in lieu of the phone survey, for those members we are unable to reach by phone.

    • Dorothy, James, Maggie, and Bob will continue making calls to our current membership, with the goal of contacting all current members by the end of June.

    • John will compile a list of members who are willing to assist with 50th anniversary events, and a separate list of suggested events.

    • There was discussion of developing an alternate survey, to be used for contacting Oregon RPCVs who are not currently members of the WCPCA.

    • Taking a cue from the Idaho RPCV group’s plans, James plans to make inquiries about the WCPCA being named Grand Marshal for the Eugene Days parade.

  7. The NPCA offers a mentorship program for RPCVs during their first year post-service. Individual RPCVs or RPCV groups may sign up to mentor a new RPCV. Dorothy, Maggie, and Wendy volunteered to sign up to be mentors, and report back to the board in a few months. All board members are encouraged to look at the NPCA website to find out more about the program.

  8. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) is seeking an RPCV speaker to address them about the 50th anniversary. James and Wayne have spoken to this group in the past, and indicated that it was a very positive experience. It was suggested that we create a panel of speakers which may be called on in the future for these types of speaking engagements. The panel should include RPCVs from the full membership of the WCPCA, not just board members. Dorothy and James will take on the task of responding to OLLI and forming a panel of speakers.

  9. There was a brief discussion about data sharing with the NPCA. This would benefit us by allowing us to contact local RPCVs who have not yet joined the WCPCA. We would be required to share our membership list with the NPCA in exchange. The discussion was tabled and will be added to the agenda of the July board meeting.

  10. The summer potluck has been scheduled for August 1 at the home of Bob and Rosa. It was emphasized that the location is family friendly and has ample parking. Driving directions will be posted on the website.

  11. The Eugene Celebration will take place on August 27-29, with the parade on the 28th. James will submit an application for a booth, which will be located on Willamette between 7th and 8th downtown. The booth will draw attention to the upcoming 50th anniversary.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, July 19, at the home of Jack Meacham, 2663 W 28th.

Next Potluck: August 1, at the home of Bob Watada.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Wendy Nelson.