West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us


Location: Home of Felicia Kenney

Attendees: James Cloutier, John Hofer, Maggie Keenan, Felicia Kenney, Shannon Micheel, Wendy Nelson, Rosa Sakanishi, Dorothy Soper, Evangelina Sundgrenz, Wayne Thompson, Bob Watada

  1. President James Cloutier opened the meeting at 7:10 PM. No additions were made to the agenda.

  2. John Hofer gave a preliminary report about information that he learned at the Oregon Community Foundation seminar and will send the board a full report in the near future. The topic was “Landing Major Gifts for Your Endowment,” and was based on research from Indiana University. WCPCA sponsored his attendance at the seminar.

  3. James Cloutier and Wayne Thompson reported on the WCPCA booth at the UO Street Fair. A recruiter from Seattle was present, and Justin Overdevest spent a great deal of time manning the booth, but there was no major interest from passers-by.

  4. Dorothy Soper moved that James Cloutier’s appointment of Wendy Nelson as the Secretary of the WCPCA Board be approved. Shannon Micheel seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

  5. Vice President’s Report – Dorothy Soper

    • The WCPCA now has 126 members. There are seven renewals due by the end of May, and 18 members have dropped their membership over the last year. Dorothy has attempted to contact these members, but has received no response. Board members who know any of these individuals are free to contact them about renewing.

    • Forty people attended the April 30 potluck, including several prospective members.

    • We will have one summer potluck in late July. Board members are requested to email Dorothy with suggested dates. The potluck will take place on a Sunday afternoon at the home of Bob Watada. Families are encouraged to bring their children.

    • The fall potluck will take place during the first weekend in October at the Many Nations Longhouse on the UO campus. The exact date will be set with Justin Overdevest.

  6. Communications Report – Felicia Kenney

    • The revision of the donations page on the WCPCA website is in need of editing. Felicia will send it to Dorothy, who will edit it and then send it to the board for review.

  7. Plans for the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary Celebration

    • John Hofer reported on the results of the initial telephone survey which was carried out by John, Shannon Micheel, and Wayne Thompson. Thirty WCPCA members were contacted by telephone. The most popular options among those surveyed were an international music event and a picnic or other informal gathering. Members indicated a willingness to pay $35 - $50 for an event. Several members indicated their willingness to help plan an event.

    • Suggested activities include:

      • Inviting a local political delegation to pay tribute to Oregon PCVs and RPCVs.

      • A service event of some kind.

      • Inviting host country nationals to attend.

      • Serving cuisines from host countries.

      • Inviting performers from host countries.

    • James Cloutier, Maggie Keenan, Dorothy Soper, and Bob Watada volunteered to continue the survey by calling 10 WCPCA members each. John will revise the survey script and send it, with instructions for recording the results. Shannon and Wayne will provide John with the names of members who have already been contacted. Survey results will be sent to John by the end of May.

    • Cozmic Pizza has been rented for a 50th Anniversary celebration and fundraiser, to take place on March 1, 2011. James, John, Maggie, and Wayne volunteered to serve on the March One committee to plan the event. A committee meeting will be scheduled by Wayne.

    • A 50th Anniversary commemoration event will take place on the UO campus, and may consist of a symposium, workshop, and/or address by Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams. Justin and Wayne are involved with planning this event.

  8. Calendar Sales

    • We reviewed Rolly’s report on the sale of the 2010 calendars and discussed how to approach the sale of the 2011 calendars. James will be responsible for coordinating this effort.

    • Felicia suggested that we contact people who have shown a past interest in the calendars, and perhaps give them an option to pre-order the 2011 calendar, possibly for a discounted price of $10.

    • James will attempt to discover some new marketing ideas for selling the calendars. It was generally agreed that a table at the Holiday Fair was not a successful venue for calendar sales.

    • Shannon indicated plans to purchase 200 of the 2011 calendars from the RPCVs of Wisconsin-Madison when they become available.

    • Felicia offered to mail out the calendars as needed.

  9. Nomination Party

    • The nomination party will take place on May 21, 2010 at the Many Nations Longhouse on the UO Campus. It will begin at 6:00 PM.

    • James and Bob volunteered to help with set-up, beginning at 4:00 PM. Wendy will assist from 5:00 PM. We will ask that some members stay after the event is over to help with cleaning up.

    • We have $175 in the budget for refreshments. John will bring five pizzas from Costco. Evangelina will contact Sweet Life Bakery to request a donation of desserts. Dorothy will bring plates, cups, utensils, and name tags and order extra food using the funds allocated for this in the budget. Justin has prepared a handout that includes the program and information about WCPCA.

    • There are 30 nominees. We will provide them with information on applying for funds through partnership projects, and request that they keep the WCPCA updated throughout their service.

  10. We have received a request for funds from a current PCV in Tonga. Shannon will respond with instructions about applying for a partnership project, and ask her to contact us again after she has completed that process.

  11. Shannon reported that we netted $325 from the Bluegrass fundraiser at Cozmic Pizza on May 2. She will send a letter to the band from the Board, thanking them for their performance. James mentioned that the posters advertising the event were not well distributed. Maggie suggested that he contact the organization contracted to distribute the posters, to inform them of our displeasure.

  12. The day for Board meetings was changed to Mondays.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, June 14, at the home of Maggie Keenan, 2252 Pierce

Next Potluck: Date TBD (end of July) at the home of Bob Watada

The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Wendy Nelson.