West Cascade Peace Corps Association
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WCPCA Board Meeting Minutes - January 13, 2010

Place: Home of George and Diane Jeffcott

Attending: Wayne Thompson, Rolly Rhompson, Bob Watada, Dorothy Soper, James Cloutier, John Hofer, George Jeffcott, Jack Meacham, Felicia Kenney, and Geoff Walser

  1. President James Cloutier opened the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were circulated and approved by the board before the current meeting.

  2. Vice President Dorothy Soper brought up the following agenda items:

    1. The WCPCA will renew its group membership with the national association (NPCA) because of the benefits of membership such as Peace Corps Connect, sharing 50th Anniversary stories and rebates to the WCPCA for its members joining NPCA.

    2. Use of the WCPCA online newsletter is a critical outreach tool to the membership. Board members are encouraged to submit articles and notes of interest to Felicia by the end of each month for inclusion in the next month's newsletter.

    3. Discussed details of the March 7 potluck. Place for the event still to be determined. The board will ask Justin (the U of O PC Recruiter) about scheduling the NOM party in late May.

    4. Discussed how the WCPCA should treat its donors. Motion was made by Dorothy to publicize the names of donors, but not to list the amounts of the donations. The motion was seconded and was approved 8-2 by Board members. Dissenting members wanted permission to be asked only if the donation exceeded $50 or more. Dorothy asked Board members for their feedback on developing a strategy to attract potential donors in 2010.

  3. Treasurer Jack Meacham presented the Board with a final 2009 WCPCA budget report and a 2010 Budget plan and expenditure to date (Jan. 13, 2010).

    OCCU checking and saving accounts - $6918.84
    OCCU restricted account - $1589.75
    Total in OCCU accounts- $8508.59

    Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund at the Oregon Community Foundation: $25,000

  4. Communications -- Felicia Kenny will add bio information to each member's listing the membership directory. Bios can be submitted to her via email or using the membership page on the website. They are limited to 248 characters. The submission section on the website can count and limit the number of characters in a bio.

    Felicia will ask the membership in a special email and also in the February newsletter for submissions, which will be due by mid- February. She plans to have the updated membership directory completed and distributed to the membership as a .pdf file by the end of February

    The Board discussed how best to use the WCPCA newsletter to reach out to the membership. There was general agreement that members give Felicia as much info as possible to keep newsletter readers engaged and members "networked". Felicia underscored to the Board that she would not edit submitted "blurbs" other than routine spell-check (if that).

    Felicia agreed to send out special emails to publicize plans of the Activities Committee.

    Felicia agreed to put "donation" information on the organization's home page with a link to the donation page. James will draw a cartoon on this subject to be used on the home page.

  5. Fundraising -- Rolly Thompson

    Wayne Thompson gave the Board an assessment of how the WCPCA could plan, organize and implement a 50th Anniversary event in the Spring of 2011 that could be an excellent money raiser based on the association's experience in staging large community events in the past. The Board agreed, after much discussion, that Wayne lead the immediate effort to secure a noteworthy speaker for the event (i.e. the Peace Corps Director). Wayne emphasized that a 50th Anniversary organizing committee needs to be formed soon and roles determined for a "money person, events person, facilities person, table selling person, publicity person, silent auction person, music person, donations person, and maybe a few more". The local contact for NPCA regarding the 50th Anniversary is Rolly Thompson

  6. Wayne Thompson told the Board that he will go to the Western Region meeting of RPCV's in Portland on February 6, 2010.

  7. The Board decided to defer discussion of identifying humanitarian project to be funded in 2010 to next month's meeting.

  8. The Board acknowledged and thanked Dorothy Soper for her commitment to writing and submitting the 2009 final WCPCA report to the NPCA as required.

  9. Board members discussed the devastating situation in Haiti. Members wondered if the Peace Corps had a presence in the country. Ideas were discussed for making donations to aid organizations in Haiti. Members discussed the idea of a special fundraiser for Haiti victims.

Next board meeting: Date 2/17/10 Location: Jack Meacham's Home

Next potluck: Date: 1/22/10 location: Nancy and Walt Meyer, 3987 Brae Burn, Eugene

The meeting was adjourned about 9:00pm
Minutes submitted by Geoff Walser