Minutes of the Annual Meeting, 11/12/10
WCPCA held its annual membership meeting as required by the constitution on November 12, 2010 as a potluck dinner at the home of Dave and Dorothy Soper. About 30 people attended. After dinner we had a short business meeting at which James presided. Dorothy summarized WCPCA work to achieve the five goals set by the board for this year. Maggie described plans for the March 1st celebration of the 50th and asked people to sign up to help. James updated everyone on calendar sales.
James asked the members present for a voice vote to elect the slate of board members that Jim Beyer, acting as the nominating committee, had proposed. The slate was elected unanimously.
Members of the slate are listed below:
President: Dorothy Soper, Ghana (1963-65)
Vice President: Maggie Keenan, Philippines (1987-90)
Treasurer: Dale Morse, Nepal (1969-71)
Secretary: Wendy Nelson, Poland (1995-97)
Communications Coordinator: Felicia Kenney, Benin (2003-04)
University of Oregon PC Recruiter (ex officio): Justin Overdevest, Dominican Republic (2002-04), Peru (2004-06)
Miriam Aiken, Philippines (1965-67)
Keith Beyer, Poland (1994-96), Thailand (1998), Russia (2001-02)
Nick Bosustow, Guatemala (1999-2001); Suriname, Country PC Deputy
Director (2004-06); PC Recruiter in the SF bay area (2006-09)
James Cloutier, Kenya (1964-66)
John Hofer, Morocco (1969-70)
Jack Meacham, Turkey (1967-69)
Wayne Thompson, Peru (1964-66)
Robert Watada, Peru (1964-66)
After the election the meeting was adjourned.
Note on attendance: We were very pleased that four newly returned volunteers came to the potluck. Our speaker was one of them. All have committed to join the organization.
Our program was a presentation by Andy Behl a recent returnee from PC work in St. Lucia in the eastern Caribbean. Andy worked in youth and sports development from 2007-2010. Due to a fortunate coincidence Andy was a pole vaulter in college and the development of this sport took place in St. Lucia while he was there. He was closely involved in this effort and described his work with exuberance.
One noteable achievement was to help a young citizen of St. Lucia receive a pole vaulting scholarship to a community college in Kansas. Andy has continued to offer him support as he adjusts to a vastly different environment from the one that he was used to. Andy is now enrolled in the U of O’s School of Business in the sports marketing program.
We all enjoyed Andy’s visual presentation and the enthusiasm and skill that he brought to his work.