WCPCA Board Meeting Minutes - December 9, 2009Attending: Jack Meacham, Justin Overdevest, Wayne Thompson, James
Cloutier, Shannon Micheel, Felicia Kenney, John Hofer, George
Jeffcott, Rolly Thompson, Michael Kresko, Evangelina Sundgrenz,
Dorothy Soper
The meeting was held at the home of Shannon and Michael. The minutes
of the previous board meeting had been circulated and approved by
email. James presided at the meeting.
James asked for the board's approval to circulate to the
membership a description of a job available in Botswana. WCPCA
member, John Hannah, suggested this. The board agreed on the
strength of John's endorsement of the position and asked that John
be listed as the person to contact for further information.
Membership activity in November and December:
- Six renewals through WCPCA
- Three renewals through national
- One new member through national
- Five new members through WCPCA
Current membership is 113. Approximately 30 people are members of
both the national RPCV organization and WCPCA.
Update from Dorothy on memberships and donations from the
recruitment letters sent in June: Approximately 270 letters were
sent. To date sixteen people have responded. Of this number 15
joined WCPCA and one donated but didn't join. Total donations were
$155. Adding dues of $217 to this, we've received $372 in response
to the mailing. This covers the cost of approximately $275.
Dorothy informed the board that Dr. Nicole Brulé, WCPCA member
and practicing psychologist, has accepted our invitation to speak at
the March potluck. Her topic will be readjustment issues faced by
RPCVs, how the Peace Corps responds, and her suggestions of ways
that family members, friends, and professionals may best offer
support. The board set Sunday, March 7th, as the date for the
potluck. Place yet to be identified.
The board earlier expressed an interest in making the membership
directory more of a networking tool by inviting members to include a
short statement about themselves in their entry. Felicia indicated
that this is technically within easy reach. We discussed possible
contents and length. Felicia suggested an entry of 250 characters.
We agreed that by the end of December each board member will email
to Felicia a statement about himself or herself to include in the
directory. With these efforts we can evaluate workable lengths and
give the general membership some ideas about how to approach the
An announcement of this plan and examples of entries will be in the
December newsletter that will go out at the end of the month. Thus
board members should complete the above task by noon on December
30th. Felicia will have to decide what a workable length is after
seeing the entries. We anticipate issuing a new directory in
February and so members will need to submit their entries in
Michael gave the board an update on his work to organize our
booth at the Holiday Market for the weekend of December 12-13. He
plans to email the staffing plan to everyone who will be working.
Shannon reported that she has checked with Cosmic Pizza regarding
our holding a fundraising activity there featuring the blue grass
band whose director she knows. (We had scheduled a fundraiser with
this band in the summer but canceled it.)
The board asked for further information about how this might work.
No plan for organizing such an activity was discussed.
Local PCV Audrey Squires is seeking support for her project in
Guatemala that was described in an op ed article in the Register
Guard on 11/4/09. She's received some funds from the Friends of
Guatemala which is a 501 (c) (3) organization. Dorothy has
corresponded by email with Audrey who sent the proposal for her work
which was distributed to the board.
The board found the project of building classrooms with plastic
bottles as part of the construction of the walls worthwhile since it
lowers the building costs and disposes of the bottles. We were
concerned, however, that it isn't a PCP project and thus doesn't
conform to the PC directive that volunteers receive funds only
through this channel. We are also concerned that since Audrey will
conclude her PC service in April, 2010, the ongoing stewardship of
the project is unclear. Audrey told Dorothy that the PC will assign
a new volunteer to take her place and that she hopes that he or she
will continue to work with the building program. But the board felt
that this is an uncertain prospect at this time.
The board commends Audrey for her work and hopes that the project
will proceed but it declined to fund the project at this time for
reasons explained above. We encourage Audrey and her successor to
apply for funding through the PCP program. If the project appears
there, we will reconsider it for funding. Dorothy will email this
information to Audrey who will be in Eugene from 12/21/09 to 1/2/09.
Dorothy will check with her and try to arrange for us to meet with
Jack asked the board whether he should move the amount of
donations received this year, $236.41, from the general fund to the
restricted fund at OCCU. Placing the amount there would mean that it
could be used only to fund humanitarian projects or augment the
principal in the endowed account at OCF. The board approved his
doing this.
The board set five goals for 2010 as follows:
Goal #1: Continue bimonthly potlucks with a program
The board, in addition, discussed having other types of social
activities during the alternate months. Suggestions included having
family friendly activities, sports activities, and social gatherings
in a home or bar. Board members or others are invited to give their
suggestions to George.
Goal #2: Use $2,000 to fund humanitarian projects starting in March
Goal #3: Identify fundraising projects and people willing to pursue
Goal #4: Identify local service projects for members of WCPCA to
take part in as a group
John agreed to chair the committee that will work on this.
Goal #5: Plan local activities for the celebration of the 50th
anniversary of the Peace Corps
Justin has already arranged for a display about the Peace Corps to
be in the lobby of the Knight Library at the U of O in the fall,
We reviewed the organization of the committees. Chairs and
members are below. We're looking for someone to chair the Activities
- Activities: No chair
- Communications: Felicia Kenney, Chair
Members: Maggie Kennan, Mary Meacham, Dorothy Soper
- Financial Planning: Jack Meacham, Chair
Members: Jim Beyer, Rob Dwan, Deb McLaughlin, Dorothy Soper,
Evangelina Sundgrenz
- Fundraising: Rolly Thompson, Chair
Members: Evangelina Sundgrenz, Wayne Thompson
- Membership: Dorothy Soper, Chair
Members: Dale Dow
- Volunteer activities: John Hofer, Chair
Rolly gave a report of a recent meeting of the fundraising
committee. She, Wayne, and Evangelina met.
For 2010 they saw a continuing but declining emphasis on the sale of
merchandise: calendars, shirts, and cards.
They recommend concentrating on planning a major fundraising
activity that would:
- take place in either the spring or fall
- include possibly one or more speakers; music; silent auction
- anticipate the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps
They plan to continue research on such an activity and invite the
board to contribute ideas to the committee.
In the board's discussion the PC director was mentioned as a
possible speaker.
Jack submitted the treasurer's report. Current assets are:
- General fund, OCCU accounts: $6,174
- Restricted funds, OCCU account: $1,153
- Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund at OCF: $25,000
Jack submitted to the board a proposed budget for 2010 which was
approved with two minor changes: Expenses for postage were raised to
$100; expenses for potluck dinner supplies were raised to $100; cost
of a regional meeting was stricken. The net change was to reduce the
general expenses by $15.
Draft budget summary showing anticipated expenses and income:
- Fixed expenses: $337
- Variable expenses: $2,665
- Grants: $2,000
Total projected expenses: $5,002
- Membership dues: $1,400
- Fundraising through merchandize sales: $2,300
- Donations: $50
- OCF distributions: $1,125 from the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund
- Note: no large fundraisers are included in the income projection.
Total projected income: $4,875
The board asked Jack to add to the budget $200 for registration fees
for leadership conferences. This will bring the total projected
expenses to $5,202.
The next board meeting will be on Wednesday, January 13th, 7:00
pm, at the George Jeffcott's home.
The meeting was adjourned about 9:00 pm.
Minutes by Dorothy