West Cascade Peace Corps Association
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WCPCA Board Meeting Minutes - August 13, 2009

Attending: James Cloutier, Evangelina Sundgrenz, Bob Watada, Rose Watada, John Hofer, Wayne Thompson, Rolly Thompson, Maggie Keenan, Dorothy Soper; we met at Dorothy's home.

The minutes of the previous meeting had already been circulated and approved by email.

James conducted the meeting.

  1. James read a letter from a local RPCV who wants to do some networking to look for employment. We advised that he take part in our social activities to meet other RPCVs.

  2. The board voted to pay the registration fee of $15 for Bob Watada to represent the organization at a workshop sponsored by the Oregon Community Foundation on September 10th. The topic will be "Making the Case for Endowment."

  3. Jack circulated the treasurer's report via email. The board reviewed it and accepted it.

  4. Felicia reported via Dorothy that the updated membership directory will be ready for distribution via .pdf within a few days. The board was very pleased to know this since 23 new members have joined the organization since January. We need to include them in the listing so that we all know who they are and they know us.

  5. The board decided to cancel the bluegrass concert that we had planned as a fundraiser for August 21st since we haven't received more than a dozen reservations. We felt that the format for this kind of fundraiser should be revisited. (Dorothy emailed Shannon and Felicia about this decision after the meeting.)

    The board thanks Shannon and Michael for being willing to host the event and Felicia for her role in taking reservations and work done by all three. We would like to talk further about organizing a fundraiser with the bluegrass band in the future.

  6. We discussed the message phone service that the organization has had for almost two years. During that time we've received about two dozen legitimate calls. We're not required to have the service and so felt that now that phone numbers are available to all members through the membership directory, we no longer need this service. The cost has been $15 per month. Thus the board voted to cancel the telephone service immediately.

  7. The board will follow up on a suggestion from Jack that we develop a page on the website that will have information about Beryl Brinkman and the memorial fund that we are setting up in her name. James will work with Artis to write a biography and identify two photos to include.

    Since we expect to create at OCF an endowed fund that will bear Beryl's name in the near future, we will add that information when it becomes available.

    We noted that the letter from the donors of the money to create this fund asked that those who received grants through it be informed about Beryl's humanitarian service. The website will contain the basic information.

    See #13 for the report of the financial planning committee that led to the above action.

  8. We talked about the logistics for our participation in the Eugene Celebration parade on September 5th and the operation of the booth to inform the public about the PC and sell tee shirts and calendars on both the 5th and 6th.

    Current plans and remaining needs are:

    1. James will use the Thompsons' truck to pick up the taxi, the booth materials, and the calendars from the Thompsons' farm. He'll need help with this. He already has the tee shirts and flags.

    2. James and one or two helpers will deliver and set up the booth on Saturday morning. One helper needs to stay at the booth until it is officially open at 10:00 am and other staffers come.

    3. James and one helper will deliver the taxi and flags to the parade gathering site.

    4. At the end of the parade, the flags and taxi will be placed in the bed of truck so that they can be hauled away. There should be helpers from the parade available.

    5. We're circulating a paper for signups of members to staff the booth on Saturday and Sunday. We hope that this can be included on the website with volunteers who want to take part responding via email. A completed copy should be sent via email to all who volunteer to staff. Plans to close the booth and haul it away should be included on the paper.

    6. We should contact Justin regarding PC material to distribute at the booth. Dorothy will send him an email. Last year he wasn't here for the parade but we did pick up material at his office.

    7. Handouts at the booth will also include information about WCPCA. Evangelina will revise the current ones. We'll need about 50 copies. We already have enough sign up sheets for interested parties to give us their names and email addresses.

      We need a cash box with about $50 for sales. We need to identify someone to get this.

    8. Publicity:

      • We agreed to publicize our participation in the Eugene Celebration through the website and also by sending special emails to our membership.

      • We need to encourage participation in the parade and ask members to wear an article of clothing from their host country. Dorothy has extra items for both men and women. Anyone who needs something should be directed to contact her.

      • We need to ask for helpers for the set up and take down and also to staff the booth.

  9. We talked about preparations for the November elections of a new board that will begin its service in January, 2010. The board appreciates Jim Beyer's agreement to be the nominating committee. We agreed that each board member will contact Jim by email or phone in the very near future to let him know if she/he wants to continue on the board and, if so, in what capacity.

    We also agreed that we should all work to recruit new board members, especially at-large members. We need the help and also we need for other people to learn the business of the organization. We especially would like to see one or two new members join the board. We also have several long time members who might be interested. Calls or other contacts should be made in the next two weeks.

    We talked about the basic requirements of a board member. The specific responsibilities of the officers are in the bylaws. No requirements are listed for at-large members. There is no limit to the number of at-large members that can be on the board.

    We accepted the idea that officers attend the monthly board meetings regularly and that at-large members attend at least half of the meetings. We would also like at-large members to be active on at least one committee. Note that there are five standing committees: fund raising, financial planning, activities, membership, and communications.

    Dorothy and Jim had already met once to talk about the nominating process and she'll let him know of the above decisions. The board noted that the nominations have to be in the newsletter that goes out in early October. The election will be in November. We'll be able to check our progress at the September board meeting but we should be nearly done with the task by that time. Dorothy will invite Jim to come to that meeting.

  10. The board designated Dale Dow and Vern Delk as official representatives of the organization at the regional meeting that will be held at the campout later in August. They'll let us know what takes place.

  11. We agreed that our next potluck will be on Friday, October 2nd, at the Many Nations Longhouse, 1630 Columbia, U of O campus, 6:00 pm. We'll make a special effort to attract students who are RPCVs as well as aspiring PCVs. We'll exempt students from the responsibility of bringing a dish to share.

    We talked about the need for a program to attract students. We'll confer with Justin about that and try to dovetail this event with other activities that he may be planning. The board liked the student entertainment that Justin arranged at the NOM party and wondered if any of those performers would be available. We also want to identify a strong speaker, preferably an RPCV who has a good presentation already prepared.

    Rolly will be away at this time, so Dorothy will work on the program and other arrangements with Justin and the board.

  12. Rolly expressed her interest in having a speaker from Food for Lane County at the November potluck. We could highlight the work of this organization with which WCPCA has a long standing relationship. Our members have done voluntary work at two events per year for Food for Lane County for several years.

    The board thought that this was a good idea.

  13. There were reports from the Financial Planning and the Communications Committees both of which the board accepted.

    1. The Financial Planning Committee, after extensive conferring by email, recommended the following, "Assuming that the Principal Life bond can be sold for at least $18,750, we recommend selling the bond and investing at least $25,000 with the Oregon Community Foundation."

      Jack is the committee chair and wrote a history of the gift of money that led to the creation of the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund, the purchase of the bond, and the recommendation above. The history is a good reference and is available from Jack.

      Members of this committee in addition to Jack are Jim Beyer, Rob Dwan, Deb McLauglin, Dorothy Soper, and Evangelina Sundgrenz.

    2. Dorothy reported for the Communications Committee that it had met and welcomed Mary Meacham as a new member. The four committee members are Felicia Kenney, Maggie Keenan, Mary Meacham, and Dorothy Soper. They share the communication responsibilities for the organization which include responding to the general email address listed on the website. A complete listing of these responsibilities is available from Dorothy.

  14. The next board meeting will be on Thursday, September 17th, 7:00 pm, at Jack's home.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.

Minutes by Dorothy

Status of staffing for the Eugene Celebration Activities:

  1. Set up: James; other helpers needed

    Someone to stay at the booth from set up until 10:00 am:

  2. Staffing the booth on Saturday, 9/5; we need two people there at all times:

    10 am to noon: James, John Hofer

    12-2: Bob Watada, Dorothy

    2-5: Maggie, one more needed

    Note that the booth is closed down over night. It folds up a bit. All items except cash and receipts stay there.

  3. Staffing the booth on Sunday, 9/6: we need two people there at all times:

    10 am to noon: Maggie; one more needed

    12-2: two people needed

    2-5: James; one more needed

Plan for closing down the booth and hauling the booth and contents away also turning over cash and receipts to the treasurer has not been completed.