WCPCA Board Meeting Minutes - July 9, 2009Attending: Rolly Thompson, Wayne Thompson, Michael
Kresko, James Cloutier, Felicia Kenney, Rob Dwan, Evangelina Sundgrenz
Officer Reports
President - James: Reported, "I'm here!"
Vice Pesident - Rolly: Deferred, as her items are covered later
Secretary - Dorothy: Via email
Membership: WCPCA currently has 106 members. In the last month 13 new members paid dues. Of these 11 responded to the June mailing. The other two joined through Paypal and not in response to the mailing.
Further details about the membership are in my report on membership a few days ago.
June mailing: Progress report on the June fundraising/membership mailing. In response to our mailing 290 letters of which 270 were successfully delivered we received responses from 11 people who joined. Three of these new members made donations which totaled $20.
Thus our total income to date is $169.
Total expenses for the mailing were $275.04 with substantial supplies of return address labels, blank mailing labels, and ten stamps remaining. We will use these items in normal correspondence and future mailings.
The board allocated $250 for the mailing. Due to economies of scale we purchased greater quantities of some items than we needed for this mailing because purchasing smaller quantities was either impossible or more expensive. I believe that we stayed within our targeted budget to the extent possible.
Treasurer's report - Jack: Also sent via email
Major expenses this past month: $275.04 for letters, envelopes, labels, postage
for mailing to 285 people in effort to recruit new members and donations.
Income, $194 total in new memberships and donations. Many supplies remaining for
additional mailings.
Our bond, which is "booked" at $20,000, is (news via Dorothy Soper) currently
worth $19,085.
OCCU general fund accounts (checking, savings), approx. $4550
OCCU Beryl's Memorial Fund account, approx. $700
E. Jones Beryl's Fund, money market account, approx. $6670
E. Jones Beryl's Fund, bond, approx. $20,000
Total assets, approx. $31,900
Additional: Resolution of praise for Dorothy and Felicia
The board approved unanimously a resolution of praise for the efforts of Dorothy, Felicia and others in preparing and mailing letters of recruitment to 300 potential members.
Webmaster - Felicia:
A Paypal button has been added to the website, which will allow people to pay for copies of the calendar via Paypal. Buttons can be added for t-shirts once we have an inventory (including counts) for them.
The Internet Security class will be held on July 22nd at Dorothy's house from 1-4pm. If there is interest, additional classes could be held in the evenings.
Saturday and Holiday Market participation
Rolly signed up for 8/8 and 8/22 at Saturday market. The spot is behind the stage in a tree well. We need to bring our own tables, chairs and signs. The area is covered, so we won't need a canopy. We can sell calendars, sweatshirts, and t-shirts, but nothing that is imported. We must be there for the whole seven hours, from 10am until 5pm. There can be no yelling to attract attention.
James and Michael will sign up for Holiday Market, as the signup begins after Eugene Celebration and Rolly will be gone. They need to talk to Beth Little. The board decided that any weekend besides the first would be good. Also, it was noted that if we sign up for Thanksgiving weekend, then we need to cover three days instead of two.
Covering the phone while Rolly is in SA
James volunteered to cover the phone while Rolly is away. She will be gone from 9/2 until 10/7.
Laura Kutner
We haven't heard anything from Laura Kutner. We are going to drop this for now and revisit the issue if she contacts us.
Tugman Park picnic
We decided that we will have the event from 2pm until 5pm on July 25th. Tugman park is located on Hilyard between 36th Ave and 39th. We will need to bring water, tables, chairs, the West Cascade banner and a canopy. Rolly will find out about garbage bags. There can be no selling.
The board brainstormed kid-friendly activities and came up with frisbee and croquet. James will do caricatures from 3:30pm until 5pm. Michael will bring the croquet set and the game will start at 2pm. We also decided that people will expect to eat when they arrive, so the plan will be to eat at 2pm and play after. There will be an activity board with events that take about 30 minutes each. Rolly will contact Artis to see if she has suggestions.
We will need help with cleanup.
Membership and June mailing
James and Evangelina volunteered to call new members.
Eugene Celebration
Dorothy will deal with signing up for the Eugene Celebration parade. James has the flags. The canopy will be set up on the Saturday morning of the parade.
Board Membership
Rob is willing to be on the board again, but won't be able to make it to as many meetings. There was some discussion about whether there are a limited number of at large board members. Thanks to Rolly's iPhone, she was able to read the constitution and determine that there is no limit to the number of at large board members. Thus, everyone was happy to have Rob stay on.
Rolly won't be vice president again
Evangelina suggested that the nomination process begin as soon as possible so that any potential board members could be reached.
Fundraising Concert
The backyard bluegrass concert will be given by the Coast Fork Ramblers on 8/21 from 7pm until 9pm. As with the potlucks, the show is open to RPCVs and friends, with the address only being given out in response to an RSVP. The event will be limited to 75 people. In the invitation, the show will be listed as being "in downtown Eugene". A donation of $10/person or $20/family is suggested and will go to a PC partnership for Oregon volunteers. It will be BYO food, blankets and bottles, although refreshments will be provided for the band. Evangelina volunteered to bring some chairs. Someone will also need to bring a table and a box for donations. The group will rent a porta-potty.
The board authorized $150 for this event for the porta-potty and refreshments for the band.
A discussion followed about liability insurance and if we need some.
Next board meeting : 8/13 at the home of Dorothy Soper
Next potluck is Tugman Park Picnic
Minutes by Felicia Kenney