WCPCA Board Meeting Minutes - June 11, 2009Attending: Rolly Thompson, Wayne Thompson, Bob Watada, Michael
Kresko, Shannon Micheel, James Cloutier, Felicia Kenney, Justin
Overdevest, Dorothy Soper
The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated and approved
via email. Rolly presided at the meeting.
Jack had circulated the treasurer's report via email. He was
unable to attend the meeting. Major expenses of the last month
were the purchase of 800 calendars for 2010 that we'll sell as a
fundraiser, $869; purchase of food for the NOM party, $164; and the
annual payment for the Dotster website server, $71.
Account balances:
- OCCU, general funds: $4,600
- OCCU, Beryl's memorial fund: $700
- E. Jones' money market fund (Beryl's fund): $6,600
- E. Jones' bond: $20,000
Total assets are approximately $31,900.
The board accepted the treasurer's report.
Dorothy reported on our fundraising mailing to local and nearby
RPCVs who are not members of the organization: 285 letters were
mailed by first class mail on Wednesday, 6/10. This fundraising
effort is our first to build upon the organization's 501 (c) (3)
status with the IRS as a public charity. Donations and membership
dues are tax deductible.
We hope to see most responses by mid-July. We agreed that Dorothy
will acknowledge contributions and/or new memberships via email.
She'll keep Jack and Felicia updated on the responses to the
The board discussed the idea of having an annual mailing of this
type since we now have the names and addresses of this group in our
data base and can easily make mailing labels. We liked the idea
but want to see first what the response is to this mailing before
making further plans.
Many, many thanks go to those who made this mailing possible.
Names are listed below.
Thanks to those who typed the names and addresses of RPCVs listed in
the new national RPCV directory. We had to do this in order to
make mailing labels: Rob Dwan, Michael Kresko, Jack Meacham, Shannon
Micheel, Dorothy Soper, and Rolly Thompson.
Super thanks to Felicia who turned these spreadsheets into a data
base that we can use again as well as the mailing labels that we
used this time.
And thanks, too, to those who prepared and stuffed the envelopes:
Linda Ague, Gwen Bailey, Diane Jeffcott, Dorothy Soper, and Artis
Membership remains the same at approximately 90 members.
The board talked about activities for the coming months. We put
the following on our combination definite/planning schedule:
Wednesday, July 1st, 1-4 pm: Felicia will offer a second computer
class on internet security Dorothy's home. This is for both PCs
and Macs. All are welcome. It's good but not necessary to bring
a computer. This is a definite.
Rolly will contact Laura Kutner, whose PC program in Guatemala
recently received a $500 grant from WCPCA, about speaking to us
during the summer. She is home in Portland for much of the summer
and will return to her program in early fall. She has extended her
PC service for a third year.
July: Family Friendly Picnic: July 25th, Tugman Park on Hilyard
in south Eugene. Rolly is requesting a reservation from the city
of Eugene. We're thinking of picnic hours of 1-6 pm and asking
people to bring a dish to share. This is definite.
There is a playground for children but only one table at the site.
So we'll bring some tables and chairs but people should be prepared
to sit on the ground (blankets).
August: Bluegrass social/fundraiser : Shannon and Michael know
the head of a local bluegrass band, ÒGrassburners,Ó that might play
at a fundraiser concert in their backyard. We set a tentative date
of Friday, August 14th. Shannon and Michael will develop this
We noted that the annual northwest RPCV campout will be August 21-23.
September 5/6th: Eugene Celebration Weekend . We'll take part
in the parade and have an information booth with items to sell.
Rolly will make reservations. This is definite.
September 11th, potluck with a program: We thought of several
newly returned volunteers who might talk about their PC programs.
James will contact Andrea Callahan about her speaking to us. This
is definite.
October: Possible fundraiser/social gathering at a local
vineyard. Wayne will develop this idea and talk to the board at
the next meeting about it.
November/December: annual meeting including the election of the
next board and potluck with a program probably on November 13th.
This is definite.
In late November or early December, having a booth to sell calendars
and shirts at the Holiday Market. Rolly will check on this. This
is a definite.
Felicia would like to organize one or more hikes and will let us
know what seems good and feasible to her.
Rolly reported that the 2010 calendars from the Madison RPCV
group have arrived. We talked about selling them at two local
stores in addition to personal sales. James will check with a
store in Cottage Grove.
We talked about how to approach nominating people to be board
members for next year. Nominations need to be publicized in
October, a month before the election. The latter will take place
at November's annual meeting, which is likely to be Friday, November
Our constitution calls for a nominating committee to identify
candidates. Of course some board members will want to continue and
this needs to be verified. We thought that each board member
should each try to recruit at least one new person to join the
board. The board suggested people who might be willing to serve on
a nominating committee. Dorothy will check with them about this
We set the next board meeting date for Thursday, July 9th, 7:00
Minutes by Dorothy