Board Meeting - December 11, 2008
Minutes for the board meeting of 12/11/08
at the home of Jack and Mary Meacham
This was a joint meeting that included members of the outgoing and
incoming boards. Attending: James Cloutier, Evangelina Sundgrenz,
Maggie Keenan, Justin Overdevest, Jack Meacham, Mary Meacham, Wayne
Thompson, Rolly Thompson, Dorothy Soper
The board welcomed Maggie Keenan as a new board member at large. She
was elected by the board via email at the beginning of December.
Minutes of the previous board meeting had been circulated and
approved via email and posted on the website. Minutes of the annual
meeting of the full membership on 11/14/08 have been posted on the
website. At that meeting the 2009 board members were elected and changes made to the constitution and bylaws. These items have been posted on the website.
Evangelina, the outgoing treasurer, had submitted a final report
for 2008 at the general meeting in November. At this meeting she
brought that report up to date and explained that she had handed
over to Jack Meacham, the new treasurer, the organization's books.
A summary of the final treasurer's report is below.
Current Assets |
Checking account at OCCU | $2,864 |
Savings account | $5.00 |
Beryl's Memorial Fund invested at Edward Jones |
Current value of the bond | $16,800 |
Money market account | $8,563 |
Our annual operating expenses are approximately $900- $1,000. Our
goal is to pay this sum with membership dues. We met that goal in
We awarded $1,000 in two grants. Our total expenditure including
the grants was $2,388.
Our total revenue made up of membership dues, calendar, card, and
shirt sales, interest on the checking account only, and donations
was $2,927. Total donations for 2008 were $765.
Jack will draft a budget for 2009 to present at the January board
Dorothy gave the membership report. Included in the figures
this month are all of the people who have joined through the national
organization during their first year after PC service. They pay no
membership dues. Including that group, our total membership is
83. This includes 14 couples and 55 individuals. In November about a
dozen people renewed their membership and five new members joined.
In 2008 we received approximately $1,150 in dues. This figure will
probably drop somewhat in 2009 because some of those who paid in
early 2008 have a two year membership. With a constant membership
number our projected dues for 2009 are $663; for 2010 they are $998.
We hope to make up for reducing the cost of the dues by expanding
our membership.
Maggie suggested that board members have a business card with
WCPCA contact information to use to recruit new members. The board
Evangelina will work on this and report back in January.
Rolly confirmed that our next potluck will be on Friday, January
16th, 6:00 pm, at the home of Mike and Chris Helm, 1147 E. 26th
Avenue, Eugene. Their phone number is 484-4626.
Hannah Klausmann will present our program. She is a recently
returned PCV from Eugene. Her service was as a high school teacher
in Mongolia. Hannah received a grant for her project from WCPCA.
She'll describe her project and the area of Mongolia where she
lived and show photos that she took.
Rolly also reported on her work on the sale of the
international calendars. This is our primary fundraising project
for 2008. We had a table at the Holiday Market on November 29-30.
Some calendars are being sold at local stores. Some members are
making individual sales. The calendars are also in the shopping
portion of the website. We ordered 200 calendars this year and
Rolly expects that they all will be sold.
The next portion of the board meeting was devoted to
brainstorming ideas for board priorities and action in 2009. To
begin each board member shared what his/her ideas were for
action/goals. These ideas are summarized below.
The board should set a goal for awarding grants. Possibly two
grants of $1,000 each to PC Partnership Projects or another worthy
program. At least one of the two grants should go to a PC
project. Fundraising should then be directed to serving this goal.
Fundraising ideas: Further organizing our sales program and
coordinating it with postings on the website; continually updating
the latter. At least one fundraising project per year should
include the opportunity to socialize. Activities should emphasize values that
the organization endorses such as sustainability. Also emphasize
unique aspects of the PCV experience.
Maggie offered several suggestions for developing our electronic
newsletter. She's thinking of our having a special feature from
time to time: personal experiences of PCVs in the field; recipes
from different countries. We all agreed that the newsletter could
be developed further and thus possibly gain a greater reading
Justin would like to develop connections between students at the
U of O and WCPCA. Some ideas include meeting(s) to discuss books
that everyone has read; going to a movie as a group; social meetings
at the Longhouse. These meetings could coordinate with the potluck
schedule by being on the alternate month. WCPCA members as well as
students would be the target group. Other board members welcomed
these possibilities. Justin would also like to publicize the fact
that the U of O is among the top ten universities for supplying PCVs
and the state of Oregon among the top three states. Wow!!
Rolly observed that the board needs to recruit members at large
to help with various projects through the year. The board agreed.
The board agreed on the following items that will guide its work
of learning, philanthropy, and service in 2009:
Goal #1: continue bimonthly potlucks with a program at each; work on
developing an alternative activity for the alternate months.
Goal #2: award grants to the PC Partnership Projects of three to
five Oregon PCVs. Consider funding other humanitarian projects.
We didn't set the timing of the awards.
Goal #3: identify and carry out fundraising to offer grants and also
to add funds to the principal of Beryl's Memorial Fund. This fund
is invested and its proceeds are available for grants. Ideas
include sending out a fundraising letter to potential donors, one
socializing type of activity, continue to sell calendars.
Goal #4: continue to volunteer in local service projects
With the above goals in mind, the board identified some specific
responsibilities to support them and began to identify those who
might accept the jobs. These responsibilities are in addition to
those specified in the bylaws.
developing the newsletter further (Maggie)
membership, membership directory (Dorothy)
selecting projects to propose to the board for funding
maintaining and developing the website and membership
database (Felicia)
overseeing fundraising
coordinating service in local projects
Further work to find people on or off of the board to accept these
responsibilities will be necessary. Volunteers are most welcome!
Justin and James reported on their arrangements for the regional
RPCV group meeting this winter. WCPCA is the host. Work on these
arrangements will proceed and details will be posted on the website.
All WCPCA members are invited and may suggest agenda items to Rolly
or Dorothy.
As the host group, members of WCPCA will offer a place to stay for
our guests. Please let Dorothy know if you can help with this.
Thanks in advance.
Next board meeting: The next board meeting will be on Monday,
January 12th, 7:00pm, at Dorothy's home.
Addendum: Later in December the board voted via email to keep
restricted and unrestricted funds in separate accounts. This
decision will mean that all funds dedicated by donors or the board
to Beryl's Memorial Fund will be in accounts separate from general
funds. 12/24/08
Minutes by Dorothy
Approved by the board via email.