Annual Meeting - November 14, 2008
An annual general meeting of the WCPCA membership is required by our
constitution to elect officers and take care of other business of
general interest. This year it was combined with a potluck and
program offered by Justin Overdevest, the new PC recruiter at the U
of O.
In mid-October the names of the nominees for the 2009 board and the
current boardŐs proposed changes in the constitution and bylaws were
posted on the website. There was no discussion at the meeting.
The following officers and new at-large board members were elected
by acclamation for the calendar year 2009:
- President: James Cloutier
- Vice President: Rolly Thompson
- Secretary: Dorothy Soper
- Treasurer: Jack Meacham
- Communications Coordinator: Felicia Kenney
At-large board members:
- Robert Dwan
- Michael Kresko
- Shannon Micheel
- Evangelina Sundgrenz
- Wayne Thompson
- Bob Watada
The proposed changes in the constitution and bylaws were approved.
Evangelina Sundgrenz, the outgoing treasurer, presented an annual
report. The latter will be posted on the web as part of the
minutes for the December, 2008, board meeting.
Justin talked to us about his plans for recruiting at the U of O
this year. He gave a power point presentation and described his PC
service in the Dominican Republic and Peru.
Approximately thirty people attended the potluck. Five people
attended for the first time and we welcomed their interest in WCPCA.
Two of those who attended for the first time joined the
organization that evening. Rolly asked volunteers to sign up to
staff the organizationŐs table at the Holiday Market, November
22/23, where we will sell calendars, shirts, and cards. There was
a good response for this fundraising activity. Calendar sales have
already been brisk!
Minutes by Dorothy