West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us

Board Meeting - October 9, 2008

Minutes of the board meeting at Rob Dwan's home, 10/9/08

Attending: Rob Dwan, Justin Overdevest, Evangelina Sundgrenz, Wayne Thompson, Rolly Thompson, Jack Meacham, Deb McLaughlin, Shannon Micheel, Felicia Kenney, Dorothy Soper
Special guest: Jen Hagenow of the Seattle PC office.

Wayne chaired the meeting since James was unable to be there and Rolly had to arrive slightly late. Before beginning we agreed on the agenda and time limitations for each item.

  1. Evangelina gave the treasurer's report which is summarized below:

    Balances as of 9/29:
    WCPCA checking account at OCCU:$2,247.45
    6 month CD:$2,512.30
    Subaccount at OCCU of money being held to deposit in Beryl's Memorial Fund:$2,061.90 which is money returned to WCPCA from the Calvert Fund at the conclusion of our 3 year investment with the fund.
    Beryl's Memorial Fund invested at Edward Jones Bond:$19,649
    Cash and money market:$2,97.98
  2. Dorothy reported that our membership is about 65; as a result of our having a table at the Eugene Celebration and helping out at the PC table at the current U of O Street Fair we have added some new student members who can now join at no cost. We hope that they'll take part in some activities.

    WCPCA recently filed federal income tax returns for 2005, 2006, and 2007 as requested by the IRS. They weren't filed earlier because previous boards didn't realize that this was required. The IRS requested that we file when we applied for 501 status.

    Dorothy followed the advice of our volunteer account in completing the returns. These figures indicated that the organization doesn't owe any taxes. We hope that the IRS accepts the figures and doesn't charge a fine for our being late. The state income tax returns for these years will be filed soon.

  3. Felicia has been working on three new designs for the WCPCA website which she showed us. The board was very impressed with their technical and artistic qualities. We would like the general membership to see them and let us know their impression. Showing them at a potluck would also bring the website to the attention of a greater number of members. The board thanked Felicia for her work and asked her to show the designs at the November potluck where we can ask for member questions and comments.

  4. Jen Hagenow of the Seattle PC office explained her work and a little of what is going on now for the PC. She comes to the U of O about three times a year to connect with the recruiter here and speak to classes and help give presentations to students in other venues. She's been here this week to take part in the Street Fair at the U of O.

    She explained that due to the devaluation of the dollar the existing PC budget cannot go as far as it had in the past. The PC is 'paring down,' that is retrenching somewhat as a result.

  5. We reviewed the meeting of six of our members with Sara Brandt of the Oregon Community Foundation regarding establishing an endowed fund in Beryl's memory. For a nonprofit organization to do this with OCF requires a 501 status and an investment of $25,000. We have the former and hope to have the latter soon. We learned how OCF manages its funds, now approximately a billion dollars. OCF pays a dividend to its participating funds twice per year. The amount is set by the OCF board. OCF charges an annual management fee. Different levels for different kinds of funds. We had the opportunity to ask questions. Full information can be found on the OCF website.

    The board wants to check with the three original donors of the cash the we received in create Beryl's Memorial Fund to see their view of the management of the endowed fund described above. Dorothy will contact them.

  6. The board had a careful discussion of the bond that we hold with Edward Jones. We would like to sell it now and use the money to create the endowed fund with OCF. Due to the turbulent stock market we have to weigh carefully when to sell and how great a loss we are willing to take now in order to sell soon. We realize that often the decision to sell must be made quickly to get a favorable price. Thus the board authorized Rob and Dorothy to make the decision of when to sell the bond and to sell it.

  7. We debriefed our participation in the Eugene Celebration. About 30 people took part in the parade. James had repainted the taxi and it and the new flags looked great. We all liked the #3 position in the parade and hope that we'll continue to be in the lead.

    At the booth we had moderate sales of tee shirts and calendars. We collected about 20 names and email addresses of RPCVs in the area that we hope will affiliate with WCPCA. We answered questions of many people and gave out a moderate amount of PC literature. Next year we hope to coordinate more with the PC recruiter at the U of O. We could use more of our own members to staff the booth. Those of us who were there reported a very pleasant experience.

  8. We discussed ways to market the 2009 international calendars. This is one of our main fundraising activities each year. The calendars vary in price depending upon the quantity purchased by a single buyer.

    Calendars are available online at our website. They are available through a phone call to Rolly or Dorothy. Other members are encouraged to sign some out to sell. Please call Rolly or Dorothy to arrange that. They'll be on sale at the November potluck. We also hope to sell them through local stores. Rolly is going to check into the possibilities for us to sell them at both the Saturday Market and the Holiday Market. Ideas for selling them from the general membership are welcome.

  9. The board authorized Felicia to arrange for the framing of a gift print for the price of $100.

  10. The board accepted with gratitude the report of Jim Beyer who was the nominating committee for the 2009 board members. The names and offices are listed below. The election will be at the November 14th potluck.

    President: James Cloutier
    Vice President: Rolly Thompson
    Secretary: Dorothy Soper
    Treasurer: Jack Meacham
    Communications Coordinator: Felicia Kenney

    At-large board members:
    Robert Dwan
    Michael Kresko
    Shannon Micheel
    Evangelina Sundgrenz
    Wayne Thompson
    Bob Watada

  11. Shannon let the board know of the opportunity of WCPCA members to volunteer to help with setup and cleanup at the Festival of Trees this fall. The board viewed this favorably. More information is forthcoming on this event.

  12. We set the next board meeting for Wednesday, November 5th, 7:00 pm, at the home of Shannon and Michael, 952 Polk Street. For questions contact Michael at mjkresko@hotmail.com.

  13. The next potluck will be on Friday, November 14th, 6:00 pm, at Dorothy's home, 4430 Pinecrest Dr. For questions contact Dorothy at dorothysoper@comcast.net.

    The program will be presented by Justin Overdevest, the new PC recruiter at the U of O. He'll introduce himself and his anticipated program and then give us a power point presentation of his recent PC experience in two countries: the Dominican Republic and Peru.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Minutes by Dorothy